Holiday Horror part 2

I wanted to find some horror novels that take place on New Year’s for this second blog post of holiday horror, sadly I didn’t find any but I did find some more good Christmas horror. The first book I found was Christmas Day of the Dead by Yolanda Sfetsos.

Yolanda Sfetsos is an Australian author who writes in several different genres but she usually writes stories that have a dark edge to them. Some of her other titles include Damaged, Better Off Alone and The Vampire Oracle: Death. Christmas Day of the Dead is currently available from Damnation Books.

The story begins as a woman named Jess is driving to a mall on Christmas Eve to do some last minute Christmas shopping. On the way she sees hears about some strange brush fires and sees people stumbling  through the graveyard but thinks nothing of it. As she arrives at the mall she hears Christmas music and sees but there doesn’t seem to be any customers there’s blood on the walls and along with a strong stench of death and smoke in the air.

Jess sees a group of holiday shoppers but they ‘re not what they appear to be. The mall has been over run by zombies, Jess escapes with the help of a girl with a golf club named Sharon. They escape to the movie theater in the mall and meet with other survivors and try to figure out what happened.

This book appealed to me because the idea of a zombie apocalypse at Christmas sounded like fun. Christmas can be a stressful time of year and I think zombies make it a lot more fun. This book wastes no time getting right into the action. There is a lot going on in a short period of time in this book,  we have a love story between two people, a mystery as to why the dead are walking the earth and we have a lot of interesting characters battling the undead.

Christmas Day of the Dead is a great holiday story for horror fans. Reading this book and hearing about last minute holiday shoppers getting eaten by the dead is just the thing you need to make your holiday season merry. Its available for just $2.99 on Amazon.

Another book I found was All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks. Toni Sparks is not having a good Christmas. Her best friend has just been put into a mental institution because she says she was attacked by vampires and now Toni has to prove that bloodsuckers do exists to get her friend out of the hospital.

I also found a few anthologies that are available they are: Haunted Christmas: Yuletide Ghosts and Other Spooky Holiday Happenings by Mary Beth Crain, Haunted Holidays by Martin Greenberg and Christmas is Dead: A zombie anthology by Anthony Giangregorio.

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