Historian of Horror: Monogram Horror Movies 1940-1941


Moving along down Poverty Row, we find Monogram Pictures. Founded in the early 1930s specifically to make and distribute low-budget pictures, Monogram’s early output was heavy on mysteries, some with a Scooby-Doo twist. No real supernatural or outright horrific content, but with names like The Phantom Broadcast (1933, murder during a radio show); The Sphinx (also 1933, with horror stalwart Lionel Atwill); House of Mystery (1934); and Haunted House (1940), you’d think they were horror movies. You’d be mistaken, but not by much.

Monogram also had distribution deals with British producers, so they were able to offer the American public pictures like The Human Monster (1939, AKA The Dark Eyes of London) and Chamber of Horrors (1940 AKA The Door with Seven Locks), both based on novels by Edgar Wallace, who had been instrumental in the creation of a certain giant ape. Wallace deserves a long look in this space one of these days, so we’ll discuss those films at that time.

Monogram’s first actual horror film was a typical mad-scientist-doing-good-by-being-bad effort, the sort of role Boris Karloff had let himself get typecast in during this period. The Ape (1940) has him donning a gorilla skin to harvest spinal fluid from unwilling donors in order to find a cure for polio. Should have just waited for Dr. Salk and Dr. Sabin to work their wonders.

Although Bela Lugosi was the star of the abovementioned British film The Human Monster, it doesn’t count as one of the legendary Monogram Nine, a nonet of horror flicks he made at the studio during the following few years, due to it being an import. Invisible Ghost from 1941 is the first of that set. Lugosi is a doctor who is triggered to fall into a homicidal trance whenever he sees his ‘late’ wife wandering the grounds. Sounds like some marriage counseling might be in order.

King of the Zombies (1941) is an oddity, a Grade Z horror flick that actually got some attention from the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences. Dick Purcell, who three years later would become the first Marvel Cinematic Universe hero when he put on the tights and cowl for Republic Picture’s Captain America serial, gets stranded on a remote island with his African-American valet, played by Mantan Moreland in the cringe-worthy style typical of the period, and a fellow passenger played by John Archer, who would later lend his voice to The Shadow on the radio. They take refuge in the home of a mad doctor who is attempting to use voodoo to wrest American military secrets from a captured admiral. A ruckus ensues, and everything turns out just as expected.

Except for one thing. The score for King of the Zombies was nominated for an Oscar. I cannot think of a single other Grade Z horror movie of the period nominated for any award, in any category. There was Fredric March’s Best Actor co-win with Wallace Beery (The Champ) for Paramount’s 1931 production of Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde, and that film’s nominations for Best Adaptation Writing and Best Cinematography, and a few others for similarly classy pictures, but nothing for anything else down on Poverty Row.

I just took a listen and I’m honestly not sure why it was nominated, unless it was just to round out the slate of nominees. It was up against some seriously stiff competition, including Best Picture winner How Green Was My Valley, the actual Best Picture (of all time) Citizen Kane, Gary Cooper biopic Sergeant York and MGM’s remake of Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde starring Spencer Tracy. The Academy Award did go to a horror movie, RKO’s The Devil and Daniel Webster, but again, that was an A-Picture, not the bottom-of-the-barrel spookiness coming out of Monogram. Still, it is a curiosity of the genre, and one worthy of being noted.

I should point out that Mr. Purcell’s performance as Captain America had nothing to do with the character portrayed in more recent films, other than the costume. Instead of fighting against the Nazis in Europe as an American soldier, he is a ‘fighting district attorney’ going up against The Scarab, a standard Republic villain of their chapterplays. Without his shield, which is a bit of a disappointment. It does feature Frankenstein and Dracula alumnus Edward Van Sloan in a small role, as well as the skipper of the ship in King Kong and Song of Kong, Frank Reicher. It’s fun, but don’t expect it to tie into the Infinity War in any respect.    

 Come back around in a fortnight to look at the black and white comics magazines from Warren’s most successful competitor, Skywald Publications. You’ll be glad you did. Until then, I bid you to always, in every circumstance, be afraid…

            Be very afraid.

HorrorAddicts.net 232, Horror Comic Throwdown

HorrorConS19W2HorrorAddicts.net Season 19
#HorrorCon * Episode# 231
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe


232 | Horror Comic Bok Throwdown | Delusive Relics |
GUESTS: Mark Orr, J. Malcolm Stewart, Jay Hartlove

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

179  days till Halloween

Theme: #HorrorComics #HorrorComicBooks

Music: “Fairy Ring” #DelusiveRelics

Catchup: #DanShaurette #HERoulo #EstateSale #WinchesterMysteryHouseComicbook #Winchester #SarahWinchester #Ghosts 

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #MysteriosoPizzicato #SoundCues #SneakyMusic 


#MontaatOdds “Forget About You”

#BookReview #TalesofEvil #AngelLeighMcCoy #AlisonJMackenzie

#LionelRayGreen #BigFootFiles #BigfootRidge #CEOsborn

#MarkOrr #AbbottandCostello #HauntedHouse #BelaLugosi

#JesseOrr #FictionSeries  #LayerbyLayer

#RussellHolbrook #LogbookofTerror #WelcometotheShow #Julien #NightsKnights

#KieranJudge #CaptainKronos #HammersComicJem

#BookBirthday #DarkDivination #ClockworkWonderland #OnceUponaScream

#LionelRayGreen #DarkRomance

#VeronicaMcCollum #FreeFiction #DakrStories #RoberEHoward



#Interview #SynicalBand

~~End of News~~ 

Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #TheBlackShuck


STEVEN: #NightsKnights #JulienTitan #Julien #Jespa #Severina #GreenDruid 


LARRY: #WhatchaStreming #WhatHaveYouBeenWatching #Fallout #BrandNewCherryFlavor  #ThrowningUpKittens #BodyHorror 

DENISE: #Werewolves #WerewolfClothing #WhereDoTheClothesGo

Write in to us! horroraddicts@gmail.com



Mark Orr #TalesFromtheCrypt

J. Malcolm Stewart #TombofDracula

Jay Hartlove #Hellblazer

VOTE NOW! https://forms.gle/gALDGKfwxMDo7GzW7


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com

h o s t e s s – Emerian Rich
b l o g  e d i t o r – Veronica McCollum
r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r – Daphne Strasert
s t a f f –Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Megan Starrak, Michael Charboneau, Brian McKinley, Crystal Connor,  CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Nightshade

Want to be a part of the HA staff? https://horroraddicts.wordpress.com/careers/

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rss http://horroraddicts.libsyn.com/rss

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Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/208379245861499

Band Interview: Synical

What horror-related themes have you found to be the most inspiring for your music?

A common theme that Synical gravitates towards is science accidents and war. The horror of nuclear radiation and concentration camps was featured in the video for the title album track “This Will All Happen Again” filmed in Germany. Nothing Hollywood has created could ever match the horrors that humans have done to each other.

What horror movie/TV show would you re-score if given the chance?

Synical founder Brian Haught has two answers to that question! Steven Kings Salem’s Lot from 1975 and the British TV show Space 1999.

What non-musical things inspire your music?

Great question! Synical’s music is the soundtrack to the downfall of civilization but in a goth dance club format. The sad state of world affairs, natural disasters, and man-made accidents all leave an impression musically.

What film/TV horror-related character would you most identify with? Why?

Brian Haught the singer of Synical relates mostly to Barnabas Collins from the TV series Dark Shadows. He is a 100+ year old creepy vampire who is still looking for his lost love while being a monster in the present modern day. You can love him, fear him, or hate him but it’s impossible to ignore him!

How do you handle fear as an artist?

The biggest fear in music is not being able to pull off the live concerts according to plan. The future’s uncertain and not everything is in the bands control. Live shows can really be scary but also very rewarding if successful.

What are your favorite horror movies?

Synical the band loves all the Phantasm movies, the original John Carpenters Halloween, The Fog, and The Thing, I Spit On Your Grave, most of the Hammer films from England, the Shining, Dawn of the Dead, and the Hellraiser movies.

What was the scariest night of your life?

Long ago in Macon, Georgia the band snuck into Rose Hill cemetery at night to find the dead Allman Brother’s graves. Everything was going great until the night watchman ran after us with a flashlight and shovel. We almost made it out by running across the railroad tracks when out of nowhere a speeding train came and almost killed us. It was terrifying.

If you could bring back greats who have passed on, who would be your undead opening band?

The band would consist of Stiv Bators from the Dead Boys on vocals, Dwayne Goettel from Skinny Puppy and James Wooley from NIN on keyboards, Randy Castillo from Red Square Black on drums, Andy Rourke from the Smiths on bass, and Keith Levene from the Clash/P.I.L. on guitar.

Final thoughts / Anything you want to tell the Horror Addicts?

Horror is in the eye of the beholder but it’s an interesting and fascinating pathway that perfectly blends with the goth and darkwave music of Synical. As horror movie and TV fans ourselves, Synical is excited to be interviewed and involved in this community.

(Fan contacts…)


You can check out our videos on our amazing record label Cleopatra Records you tube channel https://www.youtube.com/@CleopatraRecords


https://twitter.com/SynicalBand   https://www.instagram.com/synicalmusic

Insert one of your video YouTube links:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vVj9lheNSE

Historian of Horror: OTR – Abbott & Costello 19480505 Bela Lugosi’s Haunted House

Gettin’ Spooky on the Airwaves


As you may recall, the last time I wrote one of these missives about Old Time Radio, I made a passing reference to The Abbott and Costello Show. Comedy buffs are no doubt familiar with their classic “Who’s on First” routine, which you should definitely check out on YouTube. It’s hilarious.

Long-time horror fans will likely know them best as the protagonists of a series of horror-comedies beginning with Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein, which was released on June 15, 1948. It co-starred Lon Chaney, Jr. as the Wolf Man, Glenn Strange as Frankenstein’s Monster, a brief cameo at the end by Vincent Price as the Invisible Man, and Bela Lugosi starring as Dracula for the second and last time in a major motion picture. It also virtually saved Universal Pictures from bankruptcy, which had been a serious concern for more than a decade.

One of the functions of programs like The Abbott & Costello Show was to slip in the occasional publicity bit for the theatrical releases of their associated studios, so on May 5th, 1948, the boys ventured via radio into the haunted house of none other than Bela Lugosi.

Lugosi had mentioned in some of the publicity material assembled for his 1935 movie Murder By Television that he didn’t much care for radio, and indeed he never was a major player in the medium. Not on the scale that Karloff, Price, Basil Rathbone, or Lorre were, certainly, although it is estimated that he did appear as a guest on roughly two hundred broadcasts. But he never went so far as to host his own anthology series or take on a regular recurring role, as other horror icons did.

Despite his expressed disdain for the medium, Lugosi was always willing to participate in publicity for his pictures. And so it was that two months before Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein debuted, he invited America’s most popular comedy duo, and the rest of America, into his haunted house.

Bud Abbott and Lou Costello have taken on the task of overseeing law enforcement in Encino, California. Bud’s wife stops by the sheriff’s office to be insulted by Lou, her primary function on the show, and to report on weird noises and arcane activities in the house next door. That domicile’s resident ghoul, Bela Lugosi, stops by to be interrogated. It’s never specified why, except that it was in the script. Bud and Lou determine that Lugosi’s house must be searched at midnight. Why? Yep, it’s in the script.

Lugosi doesn’t object, other than to make numerous pun-laden threats and confess to various murders. The boys find several deceased residents, including the prerequisite beautiful female vampire for Lou to flirt with. She puts the bite on him and gives him her hand to kiss. Which he finds disconcerting when she leaves it behind after she departs.

The upcoming movie is never mentioned by name, but vague foreshadowing is as good a form of publicity as any, and fans of Bud and Lou likely knew something was in the works.

Abbott and Costello had initially teamed up in Vaudeville in 1935, and began appearing as guests on the radio three years later. They got their own program as a summer replacement for Fred Allen’s show in 1940, and went full-time in 1942. The boys took their act to television for two seasons from 1952 to 1954, and ‘met’ several other monsters in Universal pictures, including the Invisible Man, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and the Mummy.

His one picture with Bud and Lou staved off the slow descent of Lugosi’s film career for a moment, but it was pretty much downhill after that. He did return to stage as Dracula, and made several television appearances, including a Suspense! adaptation of “A Cask of Amontillado”. While shooting some stock footage for the Ed Wood movie Plan 9 from Outer Space in 1956, he died of a heart attack.

It was also a cardiac arrest that took Lou Costello away in 1959. Bud Abbott, whom Groucho Marx called the greatest straight man who ever lived, succumbed to cancer in 1974.

But their films and television shows, and their delightfully chaotic radio program, survive on the internet. Do check them out on YouTube, the Internet Archive, and elsewhere. You’ll be glad you did.

Friend Bela returns in our next action-packed episode, when we’ll take a gander at the first batch of horror movies made by the Poverty Row outfit, Monogram Pictures. Not a real classic in the bunch, but some Grade Z fun, including the first of Lugosi’s run for the studio known as the Monogram Nine, along with the worst movie ever nominated for an Academy Award. See you in two weeks. Until then, don’t forget to be afraid…

Be very afraid.            

HorrorAddicts.net 231, Annabel Lee

HorrorConS19W2HorrorAddicts.net Season 19
#HorrorCon * Episode# 231
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe


231 | Annabel Lee | Emerian Rich | Valentine Wolfe

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

193 days till Halloween

Theme: #AnnabelLee #Poe #EdgarAllanPoe

Music: “Annabel Lee” #ValentineWolfe


Catchup: Welcome back! #CemeteryJob #HorrorCon #HorrorComics #NottheManga #PoeMode #PoeAlAMode 

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #AnnabelLee #JosephHolbrooke #MelitzaTorres 


#Attrition “The Promise” #TheBlackMaria

#BookReview #DJPitsladis #TheCollapse #AliceBSullivan

#LionelRayGreen #BigFootFiles #BogBeast #BrianGatto

#MarkOrr #TotalEclipseoftheHeart #DanceoftheVampires

#JesseOrr #FictionSeries  #TotheDepths

#KieranJudge #WilliamWilson #Poe

#MeganStarrak #WyomingDeathShip

#BrianMcKinley #Vampire #Tropes #Staked

#LionelRayGreen #SplatterWestern

#VeronicaMcCollum #ListenFree #Librivox #AnnabelLee



~~End of News~~ 

Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #Leyak #Vampire 


SARA: #HorrorAddicts #Season19 #Theme #HorrorCon

JEFF: #AIwriting #Fiction #TheAIProblem #ReviewChanges

MARTIN: #HorrorTravel #HorrorBnB 


#BambieThug #DoomsdayBlue

Feat Author: #EmerianRich #MyAnnabel #QuoththeRaven


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com

h o s t e s s – Emerian Rich
b l o g  e d i t o r – Veronica McCollum
r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r – Daphne Strasert
s t a f f –Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Megan Starrak, Michael Charboneau, Brian McKinley, Crystal Connor,  CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Nightshade

Want to be a part of the HA staff? https://horroraddicts.wordpress.com/careers/

b l o g  / c o n t a c t / s h o w . n o t e s http://www.horroraddicts.net

the  belfry  app https://www.thebelfry.rip

I♥radio https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-horroraddictsnet-30940547/

spotify  https://open.spotify.com/show/0DtgSwv2Eh6aTepQi7ZWdv

audible https://www.amazon.com/HorrorAddicts-net/dp/B08JJRM4NM

rss http://horroraddicts.libsyn.com/rss

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4E9vnOzVkdRNLnL2QWVk3w

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/horroraddicts.netpress/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/horroraddicts.net

Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/208379245861499

Historian of Horror: Music – Total Eclipse of the Heart


B-B-B-Bonnie and the Vamps


            We took a family Christmas cruise to the Bahamas this past December with too many small children and too few adults — bad idea. Lots of seasickness and intestinal distress ensued, as well as accommodations for the grandchildren that it would be generous to describe as rudimentary. We found a general lack of organization and urgency in the dining rooms, and unreasonable restrictions in the recreational areas. We usually have good experiences on cruises, but this one was a horror tale of its own.

On the plus side, I did get to spend some quality time with my new favorite bartender in Nassau and saw a show on the ship that reminded me that I needed to turn my laser focus on what has now become the subject of this post. It was an over-the-top production of power ballads from the 70s and 80s, with bright lights, exaggerated dance routines, ridiculous costumes and some pretty good singing. Fun! And one of the songs performed…

            Don’t want to get ahead of myself. How about we throw this puppy into reverse and start from the beginning?

            Sometime back in the dark and abyss of time that was the 1970s, record producer Jim Steinman was working on a musical based on the classic German Expressionist silent film, Nosferatu. I assume you’ve heard of it. One song he wrote for it before turning his attention to making records with Meat Loaf was called “Vampire in Love”. It went into inventory and was sort of forgotten.

            Fast forward to the early 80s, when Welsh songstress Bonnie Tyler saw Meat Loaf on TV and decided that it was that guy’s producer whom she wanted to bring her next album to fruition. She met with Steinman, and during their initial negotiations he recalled that vampire song he wrote for the lost musical.

            Thinking her raspy voice, the result of an operation to remove some vocal cord nodules in the 70s, was perfect for the piece, he pitched “Vampire in Love” to her. She jumped on it like a loose ball in the end zone, and musical history was made. Steinman tweaked it a bit, changed the title, and put it on Tyler’s fifth album, Faster Than the Speed of Night.

            The album was released in April of 1983 in the United Kingdom, and in September of that year in America. It went to No. 1 on the charts immediately on both sides of the Big Pond, as did the single based on Steinman’s vampire love song, which became Billboard’s Number Six song of the year.

I have to confess that, having never learned about this context, I had no idea until a year or so ago that Tyler’s big hit, which was now called Total Eclipse of the Heart, had that vampire connection. But, come on. “Forever’s gonna start tonight”? All those references to shadows and night and love in the dark? How could it be about anything other than the living dead?

Steinman did eventually include a version of the song in a musical, retitling it Totale Finsternis (“Total Darkness” in English). His 1997 stage production Tanz der Vampire was based on Dance of the Vampires, a 1967 Roman Polansky movie known as The Fearless Vampire Killers in the United States. A Berlin performance from 2011 is on YouTube, in German with English subtitles. I recommend it highly. A better-quality print of a 2010 performance from Antwerp, Belgium is also on YouTube, but there are no subtitles. Alas, my Flemish is about as bad as my German, but it’s worth a look.

Tanz der Vampire has rarely to my knowledge been staged in America, mostly being mounted in Europe. But who knows? Maybe we’ll all get lucky and it will be performed in an opera house close by one of these days… or nights.

And depending on how you feel about Roman Polansky, you might want to check out the aforementioned film he directed, which co-starred his wife Sharon Tate two years before she was so horribly slaughtered by the Manson Family. The movie is a comedy, but knowing what was going to happen on August 9, 1969, overshadows the humor with a layer of melancholy. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Next time, we’re going to consider why one of the most distinctive voices in American film history did so little work on the radio and highlight what might be his most important effort in that medium. Why not step into my parlor in a couple of weeks to learn who I’m referring to, and which legendary duo comes to call on him in his very own haunted house? I look forward to your visit.

Until then, ye connoisseurs of creepiness, I bid you all to be afraid…

Be very afraid.










Band Interview: Elektrikill


  1. What horror-related themes have you found to be the most inspiring for your music?

Pino Donaggio’s music for Tourist Trap has always inspired me because of the non-musical elements he incorporated into the score. Angelo Badalamenti’s soundtrack for Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me is deeply dark and unsettling.

  1. What horror movie/TV show would you re-score if given the chance?

Probably something made in the 70’s that was supposed to be depicting the future but the technology at the time wasn’t quite there yet for a “futuristic” sound. Logan’s Run would be a fun one to re-score.


  1. What non-musical things inspire your music?

Machines, especially ones that operate in some kind of rhythm. The new album has all kinds of non-musical sounds in it including a creaky metal gate, Aztec Death Whistles, a squealing pig, phone static and more. I feel like the true nature of industrial music is using found sounds in a musical way.


  1. What film/TV horror-related character would you most identify with? Why?

Michael in Phantasm. I would totally get killed because I would be just as curious about the Tall Man’s funeral parlor. Plus Michael thinks outside the box, which I also do.


  1. How do you handle fear as an artist?

Fear honestly doesn’t occur to me. It really doesn’t. I don’t usually panic about my music until the album is completely finished and it’s too late to do anything about it anyway. Until then, I have all the confidence of a 5 year-old in a Batman costume.


  1. What are your favorite horror movies?

My all-time favorite horror film is Tourist Trap. I’ve probably seen it over 100 times. I also love Squirm, The Fourth Kind, Santa Sangre, Eraserhead, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, Tusk, Phantasm and The Seventh Sign.


  1. What was the scariest night of your life?

I was attacked by dogs once. That was pretty terrifying. Had to get rabies shots and everything.


  1. If you could bring back greats who have passed on, who would be your undead opening band?

Freddie Mercury and David Bowie with Andrew Fletcher on keyboards. But I would absolutely be opening for them.


  1. Final thoughts / Anything you want to tell the Horror Addicts?

There’s nothing scarier than the monster that’s already inside of you.


(Fan contacts…)





Insert one of your video YouTube links:




Band Interview: Tragic Visions

What horror-related themes have you found to be the most inspiring for your music?

Jess Gibbs: The band itself and our name is a concept of media and influence. We try to portray how easily even a TV can influence, persuade or even convince people to do or think unbelievable things (especially in the 90s when the band name was created). Media control is our overall theme usually centered around the TV.

David Buyense: In our live performances we like to include gore and disturbing imagery. Our most recent live shows have included a life size crucified body with the head replaced by a television that plays synchronized video with our musical set and includes some clips of some classic horror scenes including psycho, reanimator, redneck zombies and dead alive amongst other things like eyeball surgeries and hypnosis wheels. I disembowel the thing midway through the show we have red painted noose in there some random organs and blood.

What horror movie/TV show would you re-score if given the chance?

Jess: Videodrome, not sure it’s legitimately a horror film, but the scenes and metaphors fit our ideas and sound so perfectly.

David: I agree with that, Videodrome would be a cool one to do. Not the question but I’d like to mention how much I love goblin’s music for Suspiria .

What non-musical things inspire your music?

Jess: Media influence/control and hive mind mentalities. We like to push people’s fears with lyrics about and images of blood, medical procedures, needles, psychotherapy procedures and corporal punishment.

What film/TV horror-related character would you most identify with? Why?

Jess: Lionel Cosgrove from Braindead (Dead Alive), he was a carefree innocent guy just trying to go about his life while the horrors are piling up. He eventually saves the world by taking care of his problems and doubts, mostly by killing his mom. I should probably call my therapist now. Besides he gets to mow down tons of zombies with a lawnmower.

How do you handle fear as an artist?

Jess: We shove it in your face and cause you to think on it. The things that scare you most you haven’t been exposed to yet or didn’t know you were exposed to currently.

What are your favorite horror movies?

Jess: I love all things Troma, the more shocking and gorier the better. Lloyd Kaufman is sadly not holding up well with newer generations. I’ve been infatuated with zombies my whole life so anything by George Romero especially Night and Dawn of the Living Dead. Not Romero but Return of the Living Dead is great, and my all-time favorite as made obvious above is Braindead (Dead Alive). I love the classics most Psycho, Suspiria, Nosferatu, The Shining, The Exorcist… I could go on and on. For our live sets we tend to have TVs playing images from several of these. The bloodier the better.

David: I mostly enjoy classics Vincent Price movies are my favorite, Alfred Hitchcock, Night of the living dead, Dracula and some other Bela Lugosi, Suspiria , Christopher Lee movies.

What was the scariest night of your life?

David-a home invasion at gunpoint

Jess: Well this is kind of an embarrassing story mostly because it was stupid of me on many levels, but we as kind of a band were out at a local dive bar in our home town one New Years Eve kinda waiting for the whole midnight celebration and I started talking the Doors with some clearly very wasted (in I’m sure more ways than 1 fan) and he wanted to buy me a drink. Of course, I say yeah, you’re buying I’m in. So, we walk up to the bar and it’s crazy packed and he asks if I want to go to the gas station across the street, sure why not. We get to the gas station and of course can’t drink there so he says he has a hotel which I declined immediately, but stupidly I was convinced with good conversation and what not. As soon as I got to this guy’s hotel room he immediately asks if I want to see something cool and points a loaded gun at my head. I calmly and reflexively pushed it away and said that wasn’t cool and asked if I could check it out. Around that time David calls me and asks where I am, and I came up with fake phone conversation about him having girls and meeting him out front while he has this weird wtf conversation on the otherwise of the line. Then I just hung up the phone threw the gun and ran like a MFer haha.

If you could bring back greats who have passed on, who would be your undead opening band?

David: go way back and bring Bach and Beethoven. Stiv Bators

Jess: Bill Reiflin , Jim Morrison, David Brockie

Final thoughts / Anything you want to tell the Horror Addicts?

David: We’ve got a new album coming this spring follow us on Instagram to keep an eye out for it



Insert one of your video YouTube links:






Band Interview: 2 Forks

Where does the name, 2 Forks come from?

The name 2 Forks comes from a childhood nickname that some ladies in the neighborhood gave me. I was an ‘active’ kid and grew up in a neighborhood where the moms would invite you in after school and ask if you were hungry. I was lucky to be in a primarily Italian-American area, and I was always so hungry after school that I would gorge on pasta, pizza, meatballs, garlic bread, chicken parmesan – but always at a friend’s house. The mom’s would be together on the weekend and started talking to each other about my ability to clean out their refrigerators. One of them, sort of teasing me, came up with the name 2 Forks, due to my appetite. I wasn’t really ‘proud’ of the nickname, so I just laughed it off. For my 2 Forks persona, it just seemed to fit. I take on the persona as ‘Danny 2 Forks’ who has a more insatiable appetite about everything. The glove just seemed to fit.

What are examples of a movie, TV show and artist that inspired you growing up?

I really loved ‘Evil Dead 2’, ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’, ‘Repo Man’, ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’, ‘Liquid Sky’, and on TV I was addicted to ‘Three’s Company’.

What non-musical things inspire your music?

Sex, horror, latex, leather, flowers, the woods, dark nights.

What song on the new album, ‘Quanticode’ hits closest to home emotionally?

Probably ‘Rip My Hair’ – I’m afraid to think what would happen if I allowed some of these topics to be ‘close to home’. Some of my favorite actors employ the ‘method’ and I’m not sure how to come back. I’m not that good.

If you could re-score any horror soundtrack, which one would it be and why?

Return of the Living Dead – it was an awesome soundtrack and score, and it would be fun to give it a fresh coat of paint.

If you could present 2 Forks in a live event in any abandoned building or setting, where would you do so?

There are two that I’m interested in. One is Spahn Ranch, the other is the Hurst Castle. There are more, but these are on the list. I picked places in the USA, only because it was easy.

What TV or film horror character could you identify with and why?

Ash from Evil Dead 2 because he and I just want to have a good day, and everything around us has a different idea.

What was the scariest night of your life as an artist?

Getting shot at leaving the venue in Jacksonville.

If you could bring back greats who have passed on, who would be your undead opening band?

Marilyn Monroe

Anything you want to tell the Horror Addicts?

Demand more theatrical releases and attend them. When you hear good music in a horror film, talk about it. When you don’t hear good music in a horror film, talk about it. And finally, it is normal to want to douse yourself in fake blood.

One URL – Website/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Bandcamp?


Insert one of your video YouTube links:



Band Interview: Lords of October


NOTE: These answers are a combo from band members! Thanks!

What singers or bands inspired you growing up?

KISS, IRON MAIDEN, GOBLIN. There are so many, but these are three that still inspire today.

Who are your favorite artists today?


What non-musical things inspire your music?

Halloween, the season itself, Ray Bradbury, pro wrestling, our families and cryptozoology!

What Album/Song/Tour are you excited about right now?

The KISS farewell tour, the new John Carpenter album and the current Goblin tour where they are performing the DEMONS soundtrack!

Where was the coolest place to play? Where did you enjoy yourselves the most?

We all love Punk Rock Night at the Melody Inn, loved playing Joe Bob Brigg’s Drive in Jamboree and always enjoy playing with Doyle from the Misfits. Lucifer has played with the Misfits and Gwar in the past and we hope that Lords will play with them, too!

What are your favorite horror movies?

We love the Conjuring universe and the classics like The Exorcist, along with anything that moves our love for the genre. Lately, X and Pearl were great, as is the Fall of the House of Usher series.

What was the scariest night of your life?

Uncle Salem: In terms of being spooky, had a very interesting night at a house I was watching when I was about 19. Several strange things happened that seemed to defy logical explanation. We even wrote a song about it (“Marshall’s Gully”) and I wrote a book with the same title detailing that night and the strange events leading up to it. I also grew up on what would be known as the worst side of the infamous sunny Flint, Michigan, so as far as flat out scary goes…I have some stories. Too many of them. If you could bring back greats who have passed on, who would be your undead opening band?

Lucifer Fulci: Years ago, I cannot recall the exact date, but my old band was shooting a music video in Charlie Chaplin’s old mansion in Los Angeles. It was there that I encountered things I cannot explain. And then had to stay the rest of the night, too, guarding equipment. It was terrifying. I also had some experiences up near dodger stadium around the same time. Not just once, but many times. Changed my life.

If you could bring back greats who have passed on, who would be your undead opening band? 

Aleister Kane: Eric Carr on drums, Lemmy on bass, EVH on guitar, Dio singing. That’d be pretty interesting.

Uncle Salem: Edward Van Halen, John Bonham…Phil Lynott seems interesting with them, and maybe the incredible Ray Gillen on vocals. Yeah. That band would kick ass.

Lucifer Fulci: Ronnie Dio on vocals, Dime and Eddie Van Halen on guitar, Cliff Burton on bass and Eric Carr on Drums.

Anything you want to tell the Horror Addicts?

This is what we do…who we are. This is no gimmick! It is a natural extension of our spirits, made into monster music. We appreciate the true believers and we are mutants! We write, direct and edit our own videos and albums and are strictly independent. Lucifer Fulci and Uncle Salem are both published authors and award winning directors of horror shorts. We are proud of what we do! We love our fans, we love horror and we love you!

One URL – Website/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Bandcamp?


We have links below for some of our videos, too. Our latest one is a performance video called “The Slithering.” The song is about Lake Monsters.


Insert one of your video YouTube links:Lords of October

Lucifer Fulci – Uncle Salem – Aleister Kane – October Phoenix
Manager: David Stashko – 810.288.1582
Facebook – Instagram– TikTok– CDbaby

Band Interview: Pas Musique Band


What singers or bands inspired you growing up?

Growing up I was inspired by Duran Duran, Alien Sex Fiend, Fad Gadget a.k.a. Frank Tovey, Coil, Zoviet France, Einstürzende Neubauten, just to name a few.

Who are your favorite artists today?

My favorite artists today are probably Sugar Candy Mountain, White Hills, Biosphere, A.M. Boys, Simona Zamboli, and Rapoon.

What non-musical things inspire your music?

Hermetic and esoteric philosophy. I really like Manly P. Hall, Krishnamurti, and Lon Milo Duquette. My music is very internal and meditative for me. Everytime I perform it’s like I am transforming built up energy into positive waves directed at the audience.

I am also inspired by art and painting. I am a part of Pictor Gallery here in New York City and when sitting at the gallery the new art and artists are inspired for my art and music.

Films also inspire me greatly. I love old Hammer Films and Italian Giallo films from Italy. They have amazing soundtracks!


If you had the chance to “re-score” a film, which film would it be and why?

And speaking of films…LOL. This is a hard one. I believe most soundtracks are already in stone for films I like. But if I had the chance, I’d love to score a Fellini film and maybe change the tone. Sound does amazing things for the direction films and I’d like to see a more edgy soundtrack for something like “La Dolce Vita”. It would be fun.


What are your favorite horror movies?

There are so maybe…I really love horror films. I have a huge collection. But here are a few.

  • Cemetery Man (1994) by Michele Soavi
  • The Exorcist by (1973) by William Friedkin
  • Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (1973) by John Newland
  • The Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) by Jack Arnold
  • Baron Blood (1972)
  • All the Colors of the Dark (1972) by Sergio Martino
  • Torso (1973) Sergio Martino
  • Horror of Dracula (1958) by Terence Fisher
  • The Crimson Cult (1968) Vernon Sewell
  • Mystics in Bali H. Tjut Djalil


What character in any horror movie or show could you identify with and why?

I always loved Rupert Everett’s character Francesco Dellamorte in Cemetery Man a.ka. Dellamorte dellamore. I just loved the way he dressed in a long-sleeved white shirt, black jeans, and engineer boots. He was kind of punk in a way. He also had a funny sense of sarcasm and took everything with humor even when zombies were chasing him. And I have to say I am a bit jealous about his intimacy with Anna Falchi as She. LOL


What was the scariest night of your life?

The scariest night that comes to mind was driving through the night looking for a hotel I booked after a show around 1am in Georgia. I had to drive in super thick fog and had to pull over a few times. Then when I got to the hotel no one was there to check me in. Then an undercover patrolman came out of his car while pulling out his gun. He asked what the hell I was doing here. I said I was trying to check in. Then he said I had to leave and call the office for a refund. When I eventually found another hotel, I searched on the internet for what happened. It appeared that some guy was stalking the hotel desk clerk and was threatening her and there was some altercation. So, I basically walked into a situation that was already tense.


If you could bring back greats who have passed on, who would be your undead opening band?

John Coltrane on sax, Lux Interior on vocals, Keith Moon on drums, Booty Collins on Bass, and Brian Jones on guitar.

Anything you want to tell the Horror Addicts?

Thanks for the interview. May Cthulhu and Maila Nurmi be with you!

One URL – Website/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Bandcamp?


Insert one of your video YouTube links:

Band Interview: Supernova 1006

What singers or bands inspired you growing up?

  • My main inspiration was the punk and hip-hop scene. The heyday of the 2000s… it was very cool. I admired rancid, dead boys, nofx, black flag, audio two, ultramagnetic MC’s, Paul wall, Jurassic 5, sonic youth and death from above 1979.

Who are your favorite artists today?

  • Well, I can listen to completely different music… but, mmmm, I would like to highlight most of all Tobias Bernstrup, Placebo, the early A Place To Bury Strangers, the late work of John Foxx with The Maths… and, perhaps, Salem!

What non-musical things inspire your music?

  • It always turned out that music was born when some shit was going on in life. Under the weight of stress and emotional unrest, I get something really cool! When everything in your life is calm and measured, it’s not the same…

What Album/Song/Tour are you excited about right now?

  • Chains is one of my most emotional and hardest works at the moment. We are very pleased with the result!

Have you performed outside of Russia? If so, what differences do you notice about the Russian audiences from those in other countries.

  • We haven’t traveled much…unfortunately. We performed in Germany in several cities, in the Czech Republic and Poland. The difference between the public is colossal! In Russia the public is generally a little appreciative and a little aggressive. But I don’t consider this a negative, hahaha. In Europe, people buy your merch at concerts, take pictures with you and thank you with the nicest words. I remember these days with warmth in my soul – some people wait late at night so that when leaving the concert hall they can simply shake your hand, hug you and sometimes even kiss you! I have never seen anything like this anywhere in Russia…we really hope to return to concert activities abroad as soon as the slightest opportunity arises!

What are your favorite horror movies?

  • Oooooh

In general, there are thousands of them, but you asked and I forgot everything hahaha

let me see…

Just last week I rewatched Sinister and two parts of Insidious. and god how awesome it is. I also like Doom..few people like this picture and many people criticize it, but not me! As a child, I was greatly influenced by Dracula 2000, Thing (1982) and Creature (1998). I also remember this movie, it was called something like Thanatomorphose, it’s incredibly nasty but surprisingly cool.

What was the scariest night of your life?

  • The worst night for me was when I was vaccinated against COVID19, and at night I suddenly woke up from the fact that I was shaking madly. I took my temperature and saw 41.2 on the thermometer; there wasn’t a single antipyretic tablet in the house. It was 2 o’clock in the morning. The phones of relatives and friends were silent. In a panic, I turned over all the cabinets and only found one paracetamol tablet in the depths of the drawer with dishes. It saved my life!

If you could re-write the music score for any horror movie, which one would it be?​

  • I think it would be The Purge

If you could bring back greats who have passed on, who would be your undead opening band?

  • Without a doubt it would be Jacob Thiele – The Faint

Anything you want to tell the Horror Addicts?

  • Love the classics haha! …..In general, I would advise not only watching horror films, but also playing horror games. Now, for example, I’m replaying Silent Hill Homecoming and Dead Space, this is my love!


Band Interview: Sonum Unum


What singers or bands have inspired Sonum Unum since its beginning?

Craig: Even though you may not exactly hear the influences in our music I was always heavily inspired by anything Mike Patton related, Enya, Thom Yorke, Trent Reznor, Liz Fraser.

Are there any “stories” behind the tracks on the new album that one might consider emotionally or psychologically “scary”?

Craig: Not really…hate to disappoint.

What non-musical things inspire your music? Literature, sculpture, painting, etc?

Craig: Overall the human experience and connection between our spirit and the physical realm.

Where do you think the next Sonum Unum album will take you?

Craig: I’d like to get a little darker… especially vocally… Possibly dive into something conceptual. I also feel like we got a good start with this debut but I’d like our future songs to become more structurally dynamic, atmospheric and spacious.

If you could “re-score” any horror movie soundtrack, what would it be?

Craig: Coil’s version of Hellraiser or Goblin’s Suspiria

What are your favorite horror movies?

Craig : Day of the Dead, Hellraiser, Nightbreed… Also in case no one has heard of it there’s a movie called The Ritual that came out a few years ago that’s terrifying. I can’t say much about new horror movies but this one blew my mind.

What was the scariest night of your life?

Craig: I used a Ouija board for over 2 hours with a friend and I had some crazy psychological experiences that I can barely explain.

If you could bring back musical “greats” who have passed on, who would be your undead opening band?

Craig: Elvis, Buddy Holly, Johnny Cash

Anything you want to tell the Horror Addicts?

Craig: Stay freaky and weird…even when you’re old.

One URL – www.sonumunum.bandcamp.com Website/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Bandcamp?

@sonumunum on all socials

Insert one of your video YouTube links: https://youtu.be/t6mVtBd0IW0?si=7ZrqDwt8cGpKY6z_

HorrorAddicts.net 230, Rosetta Yorke

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 230
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe
Special Guests: Ari and Cam



230 | Rosetta Yorke | Metamorph | Ghost Girls

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

10 days till Halloween

Theme: #GhostGirls  #ManorofFrights

Music: “Witchlit” #Metamorph

Catchup: #HalloweenWelcome #StudioGuests #Cam #Ari #TheShining #Wednesday #CristinaRicci #LizzieBorden #OldHorror #WhipandtheBody #ChristopherLee

Craft: #DiamondPainting #DiamondCoasters #DiamondSkeletons


09:05 Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #TheCandyLady #Farmington #PoisonCaramel

11:58 Taste Test: #BangofBones #Cheetos #WhiteCheddar #CinnamonSugar #MexicanStreetCorn #Churros #TacoBell

16:39 Manor of Frights: R.L. Merrill #Missing #HauntedMansion #BabyTeethHorror


19:08 Best Band Season 17: #WinnerAnnounced

21:35 Best in Blood Winner: #BayCon #LookBackatHorror #OriginofMonsters #ScreamQueens #50GreatestHorrorDirectors #HorrorAddictsGuidetoLife #CabinetofCuriosities #GuillermoDelTorro #StorageMonster #AHS #JeffCarlson #HorrorCon #BrainsinJars #207 #127 #NewOrleans #AnneRice


34:13 Dead Mail: #HorrorFan



JEFF  #CalltoAction #HelpOthers #HorrorAddicts #Kindness

ROBIE #Gothabilly


MARTIN #MatchmadeinHell

SANDRA #DayO #Beetlejuice #CatherineOhare #Moira


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com #BelaRocks #EverythingisBetterwithBela #VampireVoice

43:51 Manor of Frights: Loren Rhoads #NightBears #YardCemetery


#AriFavs #Cacophony #ScaryScullery

46:37 Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #GhostGirls #TheWillies #Spooky

49:38 Up-Coming Movies

56:00 NEWS: 

#TheWaningMoon “Towards the Night”

#LionelRayGreen #BigFootFiles #CaffinatedCryptid

#MarkOrr #RKOHorror

#BandInterview #AshesFallen

#PRCrystalLakePublishing #HorrorofPleasantBrook

#FromtheVault #DaphneStrasert #DarkDivinations

#MeganStarrak #Halloween

#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#RussellHolbrook #AngeltheButcher

#HorrorCurated #Halloween #JeffStrand #DestiniBeard #DanBrereton #HoldingAces




Video Readings of RISE: 

#ManorofFrights #JudithPancoast #DaphneStrasert #LorenRhoads #MarkOrr #MichaelFassbender #RLMerrill #SumikoSaulson #OllieFox #BarendNieuwstratenIII #RosettaYorke #AmandaLeslie #LesleyWarren #BFVega #DWMilton #DJPitsiladis #JasonFischer #EmerianRich


~~End of News~~ 

1:04:00 Feat Author: #RosettaYorke #ComeFindMeMummy

Read by #EmerianRich #RishOutfield


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Veronica McCollum

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, Nox, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak, Michael Charboneau.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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podcast republic










Facebook Group


Band Interview: ASHES FALLEN

What singers or bands inspired you growing up?

My first musical inspirations were my mother and father. My mom was very involved in church music and played classical guitar, and from boyhood I wanted to play the guitar. My father had once had dreams of being a classical composer and there was always classical music on the stereo in the living room, and all that musicality and grandeur has definitely influenced me as a musician from day one. Like most kids of my generation, when Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” came out in 1983, I was obsessed. I would run around the house with a toy microphone singing his songs! After I discovered that we got MTV on television I really started getting into music, got my first electric guitar, started a band, all that fun stuff. Through high school I was mostly into metal, it wasn’t until a little later that I discovered punk, then industrial, and finally goth and post-punk. I think all of those influences show up in what we do.

Who are your favorite artists today?

There’s so much great music out there, I don’t know where to begin. Michelle and I just love Gary Numan and we’re so inspired that even into his 60s, he’s putting out fresh, vital, current music, he’s NOT just playing the hits from 40+ years ago, and he’s an incredible performer. We’re not kids anymore ourselves, so seeing someone older than us doing what he’s doing is really inspiring.

We’ve gotten to share the stage with a lot of really great bands the last few years. Nox Novacula are just so powerful onstage. ACTORS are tremendous, such catchy tunes. Black Rose Burning just put out a killer album, and George Grant is such a great guy with a big strong voice, and I love that he’s just doing his own thing and absolutely not following trends.

What non-musical things inspire your music?

Life, really. And late-night conversations with Michelle. Almost everything on our new album “Walk Through Fire” is autobiographical or based on my observations of other people or the state of the world. For the most part, I write what’s real to me, what I experience, what I feel. It’s my way of working things out and sometimes making something beautiful out of something ugly.

There’s one song on the album that isn’t autobiographical at all, and that’s “The Blood is the Life”, about Count Dracula. Although it basically just sets the stage for Dracula as depicted by Bram Stoker, I was actually inspired to write it while reading “Incarnadine”, which is a very clever reimagining of the Dracula mythos as a first-person memoir of the few hundred years leading up to  his fateful meeting with Jonathan Harker, written by the filmmaker R. H. Greene (who also indirectly inspired our song “Vampira – The Ballad of Maila” with his documentary “Vampira And Me”!) It’s a shame that book isn’t better known, it’s really very clever, and very much based on Slavic vampire folklore, and it was so fun to read.

What Album/Song/Tour are you excited about right now?

We’re so excited about our new album. It is absolutely the best Ashes Fallen and the best album of my career. We’ve come such a long way and I’m so very proud. I think I’ve developed a lot as a singer, songwriter, lyricist, and producer, and the whole band just worked together so well on this album. Michelle had some great song ideas, delivered some great vocal performances, and always inspires me to be so much better. Jason knocked out of the park on the guitar in the studio too! We’ve got some live shows happening through the end of the year in California, Nevada, and Utah, including a few places we’ve never played before, and we can’t wait to keep showcasing our new songs.

Where was the coolest place to play? Where did you enjoy yourselves the most?

We just performed at New York City’s A Murder of Crows Goth and Post-Punk Festival, at the Bowery Ballroom, last September 1st. September 1st was also the release date of our new album, so we got to perform a lot of brand new material we’re very proud of for the very first time. It was a really great night for us, the best show we ever played, to an incredible crowd. There were music fans and DJs and promoters from all over the world, and most of them were seeing us live for the very first time. We love being in New York anyway, what an amazing city. If I could do it again tomorrow, I would!

What are your favorite horror movies?

Michelle and I watch a lot of vampire films (surprise, surprise!) I love a lot of the older classics, like Nosferatu, Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein… we actually just saw Nosferatu and The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari with a live score performed by the Invincible Czars, that was really cool! We’re not much for blood and gore, give us subtlety, give us the creepy psychological stuff that makes you think. The imagination can be much more terrifying than blood and guts.

What was the scariest night of your life?

For me, the scariest nights were times when I was frightened things might not work out. But you know what? I just got some really bad news and I’m not even that bothered by it, because I’ve got Michelle by my side, and I’ve been through a lot and come out on top, I know I’ll get through it!

If you could bring back greats who have passed on, who would be your undead opening band?

If I could bring back the greats who have passed on, we’d be the opening band, or in the audience! How about an undead festival: undead Ramones, undead Freddie Mercury, undead Rozz Williams, undead New York Dolls, undead Stiv Bators…

Anything you want to tell the Horror Addicts?

Thanks for reading! Keep it scary!

One URL – Website/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Bandcamp?


Insert one of your video YouTube links:

“New Normal” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcFP94PgIC4

HorrorAddicts.net 229, Michael Fassbender

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 229
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe



229 | Michael Fassbender | Gleaming | Bedeviled Books

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

24 days till Halloween

Theme: #BedveiledBooks  #ManorofFrights

Music: “The Ashes” #Gleaming

Catchup: #HalloweenComingSoon #AloneTime #AlonewithEmz #YouGuysAreAwesome #music #art #writing #YouAreAwesome #HorrorAddicts #HorroLifeView #Skeletons #Monsters 

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #BedveiledBooks  #Creepy #CollectorsItem #DarkVisions #BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor

Dead Mail: #HorrorFan

PAMELA Kinney #TurnerClassicMovies 



MICHAEL Charboneau: 


OLLIE: #HaryPotterNo #JKRowlingTransPhobic

SVEN: #GrumpyBat #HorrorFan

SWEDEN: #ApplePodcast #HiSwedes

CURTIS: #ICanOnlyCountTo4 #PsychoStick

Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com #BelaRocks #EverythingisBetterwithBela #VampireVoice


#SonumUnum “Surrender”

#LionelRayGreen #BigFootFiles #CreatureFomTheBlackLagoon #1976

#HorrorCurated #Halloween #JeffStrand #DestiniBeard #DanBrereton #HoldingAces


#MarkOrr #GhostRiders

#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#RussellHolbrook #HorrorTube

#AuthorInterview #HollyPayneStrange

#BandPoll -Only Until Oct 15th

Vote now! https://forms.gle/gyy5ju6LryBHdSPU6

#HalloweenEvent http://www.foapom.com/monsters #Pagentof Monsters #MazeoftheMinotaur

#ManorofFrights #JudithPancoast #DaphneStrasert #LorenRhoads #MarkOrr #MichaelFassbender #RLMerrill #SumikoSaulson #OllieFox #BarendNieuwstratenIII #RosettaYorke #AmandaLeslie #LesleyWarren #BFVega #DWMilton #DJPitsiladis #JasonFischer #EmerianRich


~~End of News~~ 

Feat Author: #MichaelFassbender #WhiteredBindings

Read by #EmerianRich 


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Veronica McCollum

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, Nox, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak, Michael Charboneau.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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the  belfry  app 




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podcast republic










Facebook Group


HorrorAddicts.net 228, Ollie Fox

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 228
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe



228 | Ollie Fox | Meersein | Creepy Closets

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

38 days till Halloween

Theme: #CreepyClosets #ManorofFrights

Music: “Lost” #Meersein

Catchup: #Halloween #HalloweenDecor #FunHalloween #HalloweenHostess #WhatchaGoingAs #PumpkinOverload #GothCorn #CornoftheMacabre #CornyJokes 

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #CreepyClosets #ComicBooks #FeralPublications #StrangeFantasy #1953 #ASkeletonintheCloset #EeriePublications

Dead Mail: #HorrorFan

JADEN: #Nox #HarryPotterEvent #WBLondon #Deatheaters


NOX: #JimmyBuffet #VampiresMummiesHolyGhost

KELLY: #DusksWarrirors #SkeletonChildren #SunshineAcademy #NightsKnights





Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com

Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #CreepyClosets #TheDenverSpiderman #


#BlackAngel “Black Velvet Amphetamine” 

#BookReview #HeadLikeaHole #AndrewVanWey #Review #MeganStarrak

#LionelRayGreen #BigFootFiles #ParanormalBigFootDocumentary

#MarkOrr #WBHorror

#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#JSOConnor #SpookyLocation #ZombieRoad #StLouisMO

#RussellHolbrook #7MinutesinHeaven

#AuthorInterview #TimMeyer

#FTVault #LaurelAnnHill #WhenTerrorTakesHold

#HorrorCurated #Halloween #JeffStrand #DestiniBeard #DanBrereton #HoldingAces


#ManorofFrights #JudithPancoast #DaphneStrasert #LorenRhoads #MarkOrr #MichaelFassbender #RLMerrill #SumikoSaulson #OllieFox #BarendNieuwstratenIII #RosettaYorke #AmandaLeslie #LesleyWarren #BFVega #DWMilton #DJPitsiladis #JasonFischer #EmerianRich


#Events #DarkNights #HerseyPark

~~End of News~~ 

Feat Author: #OllieFox #Storage

Read by #EmerianRich #RishOutfield


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Veronica McCollum

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, Nox, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak, Micheal Charboneau.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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HorrorAddicts.net 227, DW Milton

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 227
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe



227 | DW Milton | 40 Octaves Below | Fiendish Flowers

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

52 days till Halloween

Theme: #FiendishFlowers #ManorofFrights

Music: “Shadows” #40OctavesBelow

Catchup: #TimewithBFF #MarinaLife #OatsStudios #FamilyTime #FriendTime #BookReadingTime #MoreEnrichedLife 

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #FiendishFlowers #TheWholeWideWorld #RobertEHoward #ConantheBarbarian #GardenofFear #BarrySmith

Dead Mail: #HorrorFan

JANE: Movies coming up


CULLUM: #NightsKnights #Vampire #Julien #Angel #DaysChildren

SYLVIA:  #FemaleDracula

Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com

Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis  #FiendishFlowers #Tomato #ThePoisonApple #Nightshade


#StateoftheUnion “Purgatory”

#BookReview #ManorofFrights #Review #VeronicaMcCollum

#BookBirthday #RequiemofFrost #JonathanFortin

#LionelRayGreen #BigFootFiles #NaturalDeath #THMillhouse

#MarkOrr #SotheDogAteYourHomework

#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#FTVault #ThisPropertyisCondemned

#RussellHolbrook #FlowersoftheEternalNight

#AuthorInterview #KennethWCain

#ManorofFrights #JudithPancoast #DaphneStrasert #LorenRhoads #MarkOrr #MichaelFassbender #RLMerrill #SumikoSaulson #OllieFox #BarendNieuwstratenIII #RosettaYorke #AmandaLeslie #LesleyWarren #BFVega #DWMilton #DJPitsiladis #JasonFischer #EmerianRich



~~End of News~~ 

Feat Author: #DWMilton #FlowersintheFoyer

Read by #EmerianRich #RishOutfield


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Veronica McCollum

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, Nox, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak, Micheal Charboneau.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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Book Birthday :eHorror Bites 4: Requiem in Frost


On this day of Mabon, HorrorAddicts.net is proud to present the next book in their eHorror Bites series. eHorror Bites 4: Requiem in Frost is the newest work of Next Great RFJFHorror Writer Contest winner, Jonathan Fortin.


Located in the deep frostbitten woods of Norway, Ingrid’s new home is old, spooky, and possibly haunted. Guttural screams wake Ingrid and her mother nightly. When they discover the shrieks belong to deceased former occupant and extreme metal musician, Skansi Oppegård, Ingrid investigates the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death. Hoping to exorcise Skansi’s ghost, she talks her mom into being part of a metal band. Oppegård’s last musical creation awakens forces beyond Ingrid’s understanding and causes Skansi’s murderer to resurface. In the battle between a madman and zombies, metal may be the only weapon she has.

A Peek Inside


When I opened my eyes, it was still dark—probably after midnight. When I took off my headphones, I didn’t hear screaming. However, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

Someone was standing in the corner of my room.

He was tall and muscular, with long, ragged hair. Smeared skeletal makeup covered his face, mingling with open scars. His torso was splashed with a fresh coat of crimson, dripping all over the floor, but drippiest of all was the huge axe in his hand. As I considered the growing red pool at his feet, I found myself wondering where all that blood had come from…

Is Mom all right?

The thought hit me with the force of a speeding train. If the ghost had hurt Mom, he could hurt me, too. Perhaps it should have been obvious, but I’d never felt threatened until that moment. My heart stopped as I lay there, paralyzed in bed, fearing he would kill me, and that he’d killed Mom already.

The spirit approached my bed, his huge axe dripping a river onto the floor. I tried to muster up the courage to run, but my legs were frozen in place. All too quickly, he was right beside me, raising his axe high.

“Skansi…” It came out before I could stop it, the squeak of a girl much younger than myself.

The spirit halted, surprise in his bulging eyes. Perhaps he hadn’t expected me to know his name.

“Someone killed you, didn’t they?” I asked, my throat dry.

The spirit continued to stare, but he did not lower his axe.

JonathanFortinAuthorPhoto_SepiaJonathan Fortin is the author of Lilitu: The Memoirs of a Succubus (coming December 2019 from Crystal Lake Publishing) and Nightmarescape (Mocha Memoirs Press). An unashamed lover of spooky Gothic stories, Jonathan was named the “Next Great Horror Writer” in 2017 by HorrorAddicts.net. He attended the Clarion Writing Program in 2012, one year after graduating summa cum laude from San Francisco State University’s Creative Writing program. When not writing, Jonathan enjoys voice acting, dressing like a Victorian gentleman, and indulging in all things odd and macabre in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can follow him on Twitter.

You can also find Jonathan in HorrorAddicts.net’s Clockwork Wonderland and eHorror Bites 3: #NGHW Editor Picks.

HorrorAddicts.net 226, DJ Pitsiladis

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 226
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe



226 | D.J. Pitsiladis | Morocco + Mach Fox | Malevolent Maids

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

66 days till Halloween

Theme: #MalevolentMaids #ManorofFrights

Music: “Now Beginning” #Morocco #MachFox

Catchup: #DeathintheFamily #BirdCrayCray #ChasedbyaTurkey #CityGirlDontPlayWilderness #WardrobeMalfunction #BrokeBraBumble #Mourning #FindtheHumor #ClapOn #ClapOff #LaughterinGrief 

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #MalevolentMaids #Rusalka 

Dead Mail: #HorrorFan

MARTIN: #BeautyofHorrorTarot

SUSANNA: #WhatWeDointheShadows #YoureDead #NormaCeciliaTanega #1966

CLAUDE: #ChildVampire #LiveScience #NightoftheComet #EvilChildren


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com

Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #MalevolentMaids #MyrtlesPlantation #MaidPoisonedFamily #OleanderLeafPoison


#OurFrankenstein “Illuminate”

#BookBirthday #PlagueMaster #HERoulo

#LionelRayGreen #BigFootFiles #SasquatchAmongWildmen

#MarkOrr #TheMonsterTimes

#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#FTVault #RelgiousHorror #Kbatz

#RussellHolbrook #MalevolentMaids

#AuthorInterview #RLMerrill

#ManorofFrights #JudithPancoast #DaphneStrasert #LorenRhoads #MarkOrr #MichaelFassbender #RLMerrill #SumikoSaulson #OllieFox #BarendNieuwstratenIII #RosettaYorke #AmandaLeslie #LesleyWarren #BFVega #DWMilton #DJPitsiladis #JasonFischer #EmerianRich




~~End of News~~ 

Feat Author: #DJPitsiladis #AFreshStart

Read by #EmerianRich


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Veronica McCollum

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, Nox, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak, Micheal Charboneau.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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HorrorAddicts.net 225, BF Vega

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 225
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe



225 | BF Vega | SINthetik Messiah | Sinister Sacrifices

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

80 days till Halloween

Theme: #SinisterSacrifices


Music: “Unholy” #SINthetikMessiah

Catchup: #Mistakes #BeingHuman #SelfCompassion #GiveYourselfABreak #NoTimeMachine


Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #TheDevilRidesOut #SinisterSacrifices

Dead Mail: #HorrorFan

SAMANTHA: #WritersoftheFuture #Scientology #Cult #WritingContest #Aftermath 

MARTIN: #SummerGoth

JOY: #NewFan #I♥radio

Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com


#UnhappilyNeverNow “Pleading”

#BookBirthday #DeathlyFog

#LionelRayGreen #BigFootFiles #TheUnwantedSasquatch

#MarkOrr #BustersGhost #RepublicRobotsRunningRampant

#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#JMalcolmStewart #FromTheVault #YouMightBeAMonsterLoverIf

#Megan #LakeShawnee #AmusementPark

#GuestBlog #CassandraSacher #CraftingSettinginHorror

#AuthorInterview #LorenRhoads

#RussellHolbrook #SacrificesMustBeMade

#ManorofFrights #JudithPancoast #DaphneStrasert #LorenRhoads #MarkOrr #MichaelFassbender #RLMerrill #SumikoSaulson #OllieFox #BarendNieuwstratenIII #RosettaYorke #AmandaLeslie #LesleyWarren #BFVega #DWMilton #DJPitsiladis #JasonFischer #EmerianRich


#FacebookParty August 14-16, 2023


~~End of News~~ 

Feat Author: #BFVega #Lanai

Read by #EmerianRich


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Veronica McCollum

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, Nox, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak, Micheal Charboneau.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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HorrorAddicts.net 224, Jason Fischer

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 224
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe



224 | Jason Fischer | Luna Del Luna | Murderous Mechanisms

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

93 days till Halloween

Theme: #MurderousMechanisms


Music: “Borrowed Time” #LunaDelLuna

Catchup: #Trucks #MaximumOverdrive #SpeakforYourselfNotMe #DontSpeakMyTruth #WatchOutList 

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #FrenchRevolution #Guillotine #ScottishMaiden #MaryQueenofScots 

Dead Mail: #HorrorFan

RUTH RENATE: #Tarot #Spirits #CrossingOver #HorrorFanGhost #Slenderman

PHILLIP: #InterviewwiththeVampireTV #IWTV #AnneRice 

APRIL: #DollarTree #PoisonBottles

Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com


#DerisionCult “Deaf Blood”

#BookReview #APHawkins #TheScienceofFictionary

#LionelRayGreen #BigFootFiles #SHEsquatchers #CryptidInvestigators

#MarkOrr #20thCenturyFox #Horror 

#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#AuthorInterviews #MiaDalia #KelliOwen #JeaniReactor #MariaDeBlassie

#RussellHolbrook #NonatheNavigator

#ManorofFrights #JudithPancoast #DaphneStrasert #LorenRhoads #MarkOrr #MichaelFassbender #RLMerrill #SumikoSaulson #OllieFox #BarendNieuwstratenIII #RosettaYorke #AmandaLeslie #LesleyWarren #BFVega #DWMilton #DJPitsiladis #JasonFischer #EmerianRich


~~End of News~~ 

Feat Author: #JasonFischer #AStudyinTerror

Read by #EmerianRich and #RishOutfield


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Kate Nox

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak, Micheal Charboneau.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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HorrorAddicts.net 223, Barend Nieuwstraten III

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 223
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe



223 | Barend Nieuwstraten III | Jonathan Christian | Seductive Sirens

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

108 days till Halloween

Theme: #SeductiveSirens


Music: “Strip Me” #JonathanChristian

Catchup: #BayCon #Recap #EmerianRich #HorrorAddictsPanel #LaurelAnneHill #JMalcolmStewart #LorenRhoads #JonathanFortin #SABradley #HorrorCon #HorrorStructure #CarrieSessarego #BrandonCase #Editors #LillianCsernica #RebeccaInchPartridge #SteveRadecki #LiminalFiction #JScottCoatsworth #MargaretMcgaffeyFisk #MDNeu #KimFielding #JLDoty #CliffWinnig #VampireThrowndown #CarrieSessarego #SteveMix #SherylRHayes #Vampire #zombie #SmartBitchesTrashyBooks #pantser #nooutline #networking #writerbond #yourstoryneedstobeheard

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #summer66 #RCCola #Reptilicas #ThePitandthePendulum #VincentPrice #BarbaraSteele #EdgarAllanPoe #MarioBava #BlackSunday

Dead Mail: #HorrorFan

KELLY: #BirdBoxBarcelona 

July 7 Insidious: The Red Door

July 14 Bird Box: Barcelona

July 21 Cobweb #TellTaleHeart

July 28 Talk to Me 

July 28 Haunted Mansion

July 28 Sympathy for the Devil


IMOGEN: #80sMusic #CarelessWhisper #StaeofMine #GeorgeMichael #Wham


JEFF: #TheDayAfter #1983 #TelevisionEvent #Testament #NuclearWar #Threads 

Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com

Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #Sirens #


#TheBleakAssmbly “A Night Like This” #StrangersAmongStrangers

#LionelRayGreen #BigFootFiles #KnievalsQuestBigfoot #EvilKnieval

#MarkOrr #SpectreforHire

#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#CrystalConnor #CabinintheWoods #FilmFestival

#MeganStarrak #Conjuring3 #TheDevilMadeMeDoIt

#RussellHolbrook #InertiaCreeps


~~End of News~~ 

Feat Author: #BarendNieuwstratenIII #BeyondtheEnsuite

Read by #EmerianRich and #RishOutfield


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Kate Nox

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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HorrorAddicts.net 222, Sumiko Saulson

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 222
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe



222 | Sumiko Saulson | Cathedral in Flames | Satanic Societies

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

129 days till Halloween

Theme: #SatanicSocieties 


Music: “Not Another Vampire” #CathedralinFlames #vampire

Catchup: #June #birthday #mothersday #graduation #50old #boringhours #peptalk #SelfCompassion #treatyourself #takeanap

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #SatanicSocieties #RKO #TheSeventhVictim #1943horror


Dead Mail: #HorrorFan

JEFF: #HappyBirthdayEmz 

Sign Emz’s Birthday Card:


LELA: #WhatWeDointheShadows #WWDS #Season5

MARTIN: #spookyfortunes #fortunecookiefortunes

Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com

Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #HellfireClub #SatanicPanic


#Metamorph #Spellbound #Empress

#BookReview #ArielDaWintre #MemoryBond #ARClayton

#LionelRayGreen #Bigfoot #Hoax

#MarkOrr #ParamontHorror #Silent Era

#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#EmzBlog #AuthorTips #TopReligiousHorrorFilms

#Interviews #KyleToucher #JessicaLandry

#Daphne #CultHorrorFilms

#MeganStarrak #TheCounjuring2

#RussellHolbrook #SliceofSociety

#JSOConnor #SpookyLocations #GoldBookCoveredBridge #VermontHorror

#HorrorCurated #Halloween #HalloweenStories



#BayCon Jun-July 2023 #RobertPicardo #StarTrekVoyager


~~End of News~~ 

Feat Author: #SumikoSaulson #TheDessicatedHeart

Read by #EmerianRich and #RishOutfield


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Kate Nox

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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HorrorAddicts.net 221, Amanda Leslie

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 221
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe



221 | Amanda Leslie | Astari Nite | Horrifying Housewives

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

164 days till Halloween

Theme: #HorrifyingHousewives


Music: “Bowie in Day Dreams” #AstariNite #Bowie

Catchup: @badbadmoms #HorrifyingHousewives #InterviewwiththeVampire #TVSeries #AMC #Vampires #Claudia #Lestat #Louis #TheateroftheVampires 

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #NosyGladys #Bewitched #ThePassionateWitch #SamnthaStevens #Karen #KarenAttiah

Dead Mail: #HorrorFan

TANISHA: #MentalHealth #AreYouOkay #Homeless #BestLife #YouHavePassion #PassionisaGoodThing #SelfCompassion #

MARTIN: #PoesCat #LeslieFish 

CLIFF: #VideoGames #GameRant #LayersofFear #StephenKing #TheBoogeyman #TheBlackening #AmnesiaTheBunker #Diablo4 #GameDump #LifeReset #Phantasmagoria 


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com

Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #SerialKiller #FemaleSerialKiller #BelleGunnes


#MyLifewiththeThrillKillKult “Monster Man”

#LionelRayGreen #Bigfoot #

#MarkOrr #BoosintheHall
#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#RLMerrill #AstariNite

#KieranJudge #MurderousMothers

#MeganStarrak #TheConjuring

#RussellHolbrook #HappyWifeHappyKnife

#JSOConnor #SpookyLocations #New JerseyPineBarrens

#HorrorCurated #BloodyTea #Bloodthirsty #DaphneStrasert #CrimsonRush #PamelaKKinney



#BayCon Jun-July 2023 #RobertPicardo #StarTrekVoyager


~~End of News~~ 

Feat Author: #AmandaLeslie #TheLivingRoom #1950s

Read by #EmerianRich and #RishOutfield


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Kate Nox

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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Merrill’s Musical Musings: Astari Nite

When I think of Horrifying Housewives, I’m reminded of Mommy Dearest, Stepford Wives, and even a few in my own life which I won’t name here. I definitely think music has turned many women into negative caricatures, but there are a few memorable scenes from movies where the woman loses it, and manages to make an epic stand. 


“Bowie in DayDreams” by Astari Nite

A lovingly crafted tribute to our beloved David Bowie, Astari Nite has released the track “Bowie in DayDreams,” which shows just how powerful the deceased artist’s influence truly is. From the vocals to the atmospheric sound, the track whisks you away to a damp street at night where the only streetlight illuminates the chameleonic star waiting for you with a cigarette between his lips. Astari Nite’s catalog is worth a listen. You just might find some other gems like “Gloomy Witch” and “Capulet Loves Montague” worth your while. 

Got other recommendations to fit this week’s theme? Feel free to drop them in the comments or email me at rlmerrillauthor at gmail dot com. Here’s the playlist link for this season. And if you’re a horrible housewife, well, we salute you! Stay Tuned for More…

HorrorAddicts.net 220, Lesley Warren

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 220
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe



220 | Lesley Warren | In a Darkened Room | Bad Babies

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

178 days till Halloween

Theme: #BadBabies


Music: “Walls of Sadness” #InaDarkenedRoom

Catchup: #DrivingHell #ChildhoodTrauma 

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #MidwichCuckoos #VilliageoftheDamned #EvilChildren

Dead Mail: #HorrorFan

ROBIN: #NightsKnights


MICHAEL: #SevenSpires #LiveMusic


  1. We’re Here: An Anthology of LGBTQ Horror


  1. In Trouble 


  1. Couple’s Therapy (Blerdrotica 2)


  1. It Came from the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com

Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #WaterBabies


#CliffandIvy “Die Tonight” #AlaskaGoth

#BookReview #KeeningCounty #SeanOConnor

#LionelRayGreen #Bigfoot #DevilontheMountain

#MarkOrr #TheGhouls
#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#RLMerrill #InaDarkenedRoom

#KieranJudge #MurderousMothers

#RussellHolbrook #BabyFever

#JSOConnor #SpookyLocations #BeastofBrayRoad

#HorrorCurated #BloodyTea #TheBloodyDeadofNight #Mark Orr #TrinityAdler #Poem #TheOffering


#BayCon Jun-July 2023 #RobertPicardo #StarTrekVoyager


~~End of News~~ 

Feat Author: #LesleyWarren #ByeBabyBunting

Read by #EmerianRich and #RishOutfield


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Kate Nox

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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Merrill’s Musical Musings : In a Darkened Room

Bad Babies

This week’s theme is Bad Babies, and there are definitely some memorable bad kids in books and cinema. Rosemary’s Baby, Chucky, Damien, Regan from The Exorcist, and little Danny from The Shining…I still have nightmares about Gage from Pet Sematary. But how about music? Read on for Ro’s Recs for the best music about naughty children. 


In A Darkened Room

Texas-based band In a Darkened Room recently released their album Sorrows, a dark lullaby reminiscent of moody bands like The Church and Type-O Negative. With a fathomless, gloomy collection of songs, Sorrows will touch that darkest place inside you and soothe it for a while. The album woos you with melancholy vocals and down-tuned guitars on tracks like “Final Vows” and “Doom and Gloom.” Then it picks up the pace slightly with ”Sleep Again,” and Hollow.” Fans of The Cure’s Disintegration, and Peter Murphy’s deep vocal stylings will enjoy Sorrows. It’s a great piece for the after-party comedown or as a soundtrack for a dreary day with gray skies. Fall asleep to the album and you might just dream of dark places.


Ro’s Recs

This was a fun list to put together, all those bad kids in rock ‘n’ roll. Here are my recommendations for tunes about naughty kids. Thanks to the Houston Press article and this Music Industry piece for some inspiration.

  1. Skid Row – Youth Gone Wild
  2. Social Distortion – Mommy’s Little Monster
  3. Oingo Boingo – Only A Lad
  4. Pearl Jam – Jeremy
  5. Pink Floyd – Another Brick In The Wall
  6. My Chemical Romance – Teenagers
  7. David Bowie – Because You’re Young
  8. Wheatus – Teenage Dirtbag
  9. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers – When A Kid Goes Bad
  10. The Who – The Kids Are Alright
  11. The Offspring – The Kids Aren’t Alright
  12. Rory Gallagher – Messing With The Kid
  13. The Black Keys – Sinister Kid

I know there are many, many more and I’d love to hear your favorites! Hit me up in the comments or email at rlmerrillauthor dot com! Stay Tuned for More…


HorrorAddicts.net 219, Daphne Strasert

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 219
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe



219 | Daphne Strasert | Vvmpyre | PredatoryPlants

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

192 days till Halloween

Theme: #PredatoryPlants


Music: “My Love is a Zombie” #Vvmpyre

Catchup: #LoveYouMan #LoveYouGhouls #H8theNorms

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #DayoftheTriffids 

Dead Mail: #HorrorFan

#MARTIN #BannedFromtheEarth #HRGiger

#SARAH #Beneath #ShipHorror #HauntsandHellions #Sanity

#CHAD #Waco #Cults #ReligiousHorror

Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com

 Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #CarnivorousPlants #NicaraguanVampireVine #VampireVine 


#TheFuneralMarch “Nite Nite” 

#BookReview #BlameitonthePumpkin

#LionelRayGreen #Bigfoot #TheMuckHollowMonster #HarlanGraves

#MarkOrr #SinsoftheFathers
#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#RLMerrill #vvmpyre

#KieranJudge #ants #zombies #deadorigin

#MeganStarrak #TheCryingBoyPainting

#RussellHolbrook #TheHauntedGarden

#DaphenStrasert #WhiskeyNoir #SpecialAudio

#Audible #RequieminFrost #JonathanFortin



#BayCon Jun-July 2023 #RobertPicardo #StarTrekVoyager


~~End of News~~ 

Feat Author: #DaphneStrasert #AGreenThumb

Read by #EmerianRich


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Kate Nox

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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Merrill’s Musical Musings : VVmpyre

Predatory Plants

Greetings Horror Addicts! This week’s theme is predatory plants, and what could possibly be more terrifying than meeting your demise at the…leaves? roots? teeth? of one of nature’s children? Of course, we love listening to Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors belt out the tunes, but are there other deadly-yet-irresistible plants out there? Read on for my recs after this week’s review that will have you dressing fancy for a night of dancing.


Hailing from Michigan, goth/darkwave artist VVMPYRE is serving up “dance music for vampires, horror scores for the nightclubs, and shocktronica for the uninitiated.” Their latest offering, Neon Night Fright is the perfect soundtrack for a fang-banging good time at the blood orgy of the season. With heart-pounding beats and terrifyingly tempting vocals, VVMPYRE had my head bobbing from the first beat. “My Love Is A Zombie” is a great intro track to the band, but I highly suggest you head over to Bandcamp and listen to their latest album from the beginning. With alternating guest vocalists, each track has a darkwave dance beat and provides the best goth workout playlist you could hope for. “Offering,” “Freedom Of Death,” and “Sky Falls Down,” are all tracks I’ll be listening to on repeat. I highly recommend checking out VVMPYRE. Buy the album on Bandcamp, stream it on Spotify, but acquaint yourselves with this awesome collection of danceably dark tunes. 

Ro’s Recs

To celebrate Predatory Plants, here are some great tracks that feature Mother Nature’s gifts.


  1. Book Of Love – I Touch Roses
  2. David Bowie – Moss Garden
  3. The Cranberries – Daffodil Lament
  4. Stevie Wonder – Venus Flytrap and The Bug
  5. Nirvana – Marigold
  6. PJ Harvey – Plants and Rags
  7. Troye Sivan — Bloom
  8. Mumford and Sons – Thistle and Weeds
  9. MARINA — Flower
  10. Kate Bush – Flower of the Mountain
  11. Johnny Cash – Wildwood Flower
  12. Avett Brothers – Famous Flower of Manhattan
  13. Eurythmics – Thorn In My Side

Have any favorites you’d like to add? Here’s the playlist link for this season. There are so many, and I’m sure I could have found some spookier ones for my Horror Addicts, but these all had quite a vibe. Hope you get out and enjoy some spring flowers…unless you’re like me and you’re allergic, which means that plants really can be deadly. I’ll see you on the inside, and Stay Tuned For More…


HorrorAddicts.net 218, Judith Pancoast

HorrorAddicts.net Season 18
Manor of Frights, Episode# 218
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe



218 | Judith Pancoast | Al1ce | Macabre Musicians

Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net

206 days till Halloween

Theme: #MacabreMusicians


Music: “Moonbeams” #Al1ce

Catchup: #WelcomeBack #sick #cemetery #CarRepairs #NewNormal #ManorofFrights 

Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #violinist #Niccolò Paganini #SellSoultotheDevil

Dead Mail: #HorrorFan

#MICHAEL #MericfulFate #Melissa

#ZIEMAEL #Supspices5 #BloodRise

#MARTIN #WednesdayMusical

Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! horroraddicts@gmail.com

 Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #AntonLavey #Satanism


#ForAllTheEmptiness “Dead Inside”

#BookReview #TalesofNightmare #LorenRhoads
#LionelRayGreen #Bigfoot #TheHunt #EirinnCunningham

#MarkOrr #BlackieLaGoon
#JesseOrr #ShadowsLove2

#RLMerrill #DerisionCult #MacabreMuscians

#KieranJudge #TheGodfather #Murder

#MeganStarrak #M3gan

#HorrorCurated #BloodyTea #Magazine #AmandaDeWees #ValentineWolfe #CassandraRaven #ElizabethBathory #


#Audible #DeathltFog #AdamBreckenridge



#BayCon Jun-July 2023


~~End of News~~ 

Feat Author: #JudithPancoast #Cacaphony

Voices by #EmerianRich #RishOutfield


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

b l o g  e d i t o r

Kate Nox

r e v i e w  c o o r d i n a t o r 

Daphne Strasert

s t a f f

Naching T. Kassa, Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Russell Holbrook, Renata Pavrey, CM “Spookas” Lucas, JS O’Connor, Megan Starrak.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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Ep 218 Nightmare Fuel: Anton LaVey


Anton_LaVey_photoHello Addicts,

When we think of macabre musicians, many come to mind, such as Valentine Wolfe, Marilyn Manson, and Alice Cooper. Some even transcend their musical role into something more, like Rob Zombie’s dive into movie making. One individual had the distinction of becoming an author, actor, and the creator of a religious movement. For this week’s Nightmare Fuel, we peek at the music styling of the ‘evilest man in the world’, Anton LaVey.

Anton LaVey was born Howard LaVey on April 11, 1930, in Chicago, IL. He was an occultist, a paranormal researcher, and best known as the founder of the Church of Satan. Over his lifetime, he authored such works as ‘The Satanic Bible’, ‘The Satanic Rituals’, and “The Devil’s Notebook’, amongst other works. He has acted in movies such as ‘The Devil’s Rain’, ‘Invocation of My Demon Brother’, and ‘Iconoclast’.

As a child, Anton enjoyed playing musical instruments, with piano and the accordion being his favorites. His initial musical performances were for a Baptist church and high school band before dropping out of school to join the circus at sixteen. Later, he played the calliope for carnivals and the organ for tent revivals. He remarked about seeing some who attended the Sunday morning revivals the night before at the bawdy carnival shows. Later in life, he released four albums, beginning with ‘The Satanic Mass’ LP in 1968. His other musical works include ‘Strange Music’, ‘Satan Takes a Holiday’, and ‘The Devil Speaks (& Plays)’. His musical tastes, however, did not include rock or metal music, even if they contained ‘Satanic’ lyrics.

Although he sometimes embellished his life, Anton LaVey still influences music, literature, movies, and television.

Until next time, Addicts.


Merrill’s Musical Musings : Derision Cult

Macabre Musicians

Horror Addicts, it’s a new year, but is it a new you? Or are you just as cynical, melodramatic, and haunted as ever? Personally, the past year smacked me around even harder than the previous two years, and I’ve got my guard up for another year of challenges. The best way to stave off the doldrums? Good music. So let’s start this season off with some hard-rocking Macabre Musicians.


The band Derision Cult, described as “Chicago Industrial Metal for psychos charlatans and the age of regression,” offered up the supercharged album Mercenary Notes #1 in late 2022 and I’m here for it. There are many vibes represented here, but it’s a delightfully dark collection of hits that fits this week’s theme perfectly.

The album starts off with two industrial tracks that each had a strong groove, but then I got to “Deaf Blood,” featuring Chris Connelly and Reese Gabrels, and the hardcore punk-esque chanting had my lip curling and my fist pumping. “Slaves Rebuild” has a droning voice riffing about the doldrums of life and it sucks you in with its dry humor. “Bastards of the World” will appeal to fans of Rob Zombie with a hard-hitting rhythm and growly vocals. “Mercenary” gives a Bauhaus vibe, and I love the guitars on “Year Hope Failed,” which reminded me a bit of old-school industrial punks The Butthole Surfers. Mercenary Notes #1 is a solid effort and enjoyable through to the end. 

Ro’s Recs

Macabre Musicians are my favorite, so here’s a list of some of the best you should check out, if you haven’t already, along with my favorite tracks and some brand new tunes:


  1. Ghost – Danse Macabre
  2. Slipknot – Bone Church
  3. Everybody Dies – Billie Eilish
  4. Younger Hunger – Dead Inside
  5. Black Sabbath – Sabbra Cadabra
  6. The Misfits – Die, Die My Darling
  7. Metallica – Screaming Suicide 
  8. Judas Priest – Beyond The Realm of Death
  9. Iron Maiden – Be Quick or Be Dead
  10. Camille Saint–Saëns: “Danse macabre in G Minor, Op. 40
  11. Death Cab for Cutie – I Will Follow You Into The Dark
  12. The Smiths – Suffer Little Children
  13. Harley Poe – I Wanna Die

Thanks to this article from 34th Street for some inspiration. I hope you discover some new Macabre Musicians on this list, and feel free to share with me some of your favorites! That’s it for this week, but Stay Tuned for More…

Horror Curated: Music in Review



Lisa Hammer

Former Requiem In White/Mors Syphilitica vocalist, Lisa Hammer, has a new album out titled Dakini, which the artist’s website describes as “Medieval songs, Indian Ragas, Appalachian Folk Music, Middle-Eastern Drones, and Opera.” Dakini is a re-release of Hammer’s classic album with some previously unreleased tracks that will attract fans of atmospheric music such as Enya and Dead Can Dance. The pieces on this album are appropriate for accompanying your rituals or to fill the spaces between light and dark. Hammer’s clear and pleasant voice will carry you away on a mystical journey of the senses. With Latin, Indian, and Celtic influences, Hammer’s album will appeal to those looking for soothing sounds on a cold evening night by the fire. Standout tracks include “In Taberna Quando Summus” and “Kyrie Orbis Facto,” which will stay with the listener long after. Hammer writes soundtrack music for film, theatre, and TV, and sings as a guest artist with the Brooklyn psychedelic musical project: Fashion Bird Danger Danger. She is currently writing and recording the next Radiana album and a second solo album to be released by The Circle Music. Lisa is also an award-winning filmmaker, currently working on several projects. Horror Addicts who enjoy artists like Valentine Wolfe will enjoy Hammer’s work. Pick up Dakini and be bathed in Hammer’s sensual and enticing world. Dare I say the album would make a great soundtrack for a Bloody Tea… Read more in Bloody Tea.

HorrorAddicts.net Special Bonus, “Whiskey Noir” by Daphne Strasert

halogoHorror Addicts Special Bonus Track 
Listeners! We are coming back for Season 18 this April!
But, to wet your appetite, we have a special audio presentation from Daphne Strsert.

This special bonus episode was written by Daphne Strasert

With voices by Buffalo Sean

Produced by Brian Strasert.

“Whiskey Noir” originally written for the Next Great Horror Writer Contest.

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