Free Fiction Friday: The Darker Passions: Dracula

72481This weeks Free Fiction Friday is a very different look at a horror classic. The book is The Darker Passions: Dracula by Amarantha Knight. The Darker Passions was a series of books that retold horror classics in an erotic way. Other books in this series include Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and a few works by Edgar Allen Poe.

In The Darker Passions: Dracula, Dracula not only has a lust for blood but he also has a thing for domination, spanking, bondage and S&M. This book was originally published in 1993 and  looks like it’s a steamy read that brings the repressed sexuality of the Victorian age out into the open.  The writer, Amarantha Knight’s real name is Nancy Kilpatrick and she has written several horror novels and edited a number of horror anthologies. Some of her other works include: Child Of The Night, The Goth Bible: A Compendium For The Darkly Inclined and  Vampyric Variations.

If you want to give this book a read and experience Dracula in a whole new way, send an email to The first email I get wins the book.

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