Horror Curated: 2 Places for Bloody, Haunting Teas


Curated by Courtney Mroch

tealocationAs some wise unknown soul once noted, “A cup of tea solves everything.”

It’s true, isn’t it? The moment you pour the elixir into your preferred cup or mug, “The spirit of the tea beverage is one of peace, comfort, and refinement,” as English author Arthur Gray so sagely stated.

Whatever’s going on at that moment—whether turbulent or untroubled—tea is an adaptogen of the soul. It provides healing, solace, reflection, or just a cherished moment of respite from our harried schedules.

And if you’re looking for creative, spooktacular blends, let’s check out two places you can find haunting teas.

The Haunted Tea Room and Halloween Emporium Las Vegas, Nevada

One thing important to note right off the bat is that the Haunted Tea Room and Halloween Emporium is not a sit-down café. However, you will find a variety of loose-leaf teas here, including gourmet varieties from Adagio teas. You’ll also find a plethora of ground coffees from flavored coffee crafters like Bones Coffee Company and the Coffee Shop of Horrors.

But it’s also a Halloween and Horror movie lover’s haven. They sell spooky products…Read more in Bloody Tea.

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