Band Interview: Ancine


What horror-related themes have you found to be the most inspiring for your music?

I’m really influenced by Folk Horror movies. And any kind of rural horror. Stuff that takes place on an isolated farm, a tiny village, or in the woods.



What horror movie/TV show would you re-score if given the chance?

I wouldn’t dare re-score anything. But to score a new movie, that would be interesting.

What non-musical things inspire your music?

Outside of the aforementioned horror movies I’m really into Spaghetti Westerns. And gothic literature. Poe, Lovecraft, Hawthorne, all the greats. Depression is also a great inspiration.

What film/TV horror-related character would you most identify with? Why? 

I totally identify with the old hermit that wants to be left alone but has to deal with a bunch of fuckwhits so he kills them. I often root for the bad guy. Vincent Price as Prospero in the Masque of Red Death has a great philosophy I can relate to.

How do you handle fear as an artist?

Fear is a great thing to work into music. For me it’s fear of the unknown, specifically the afterlife. Fear of death. I’m a very death positive person but I think deep down inside there is a fear of it as well. Fear of dying alone, and how I will die. I think about all that a lot, and it definitely makes its way into song.

What are your favorite horror movies?

My all-time favorite is the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, hands down a perfect movie. There’s also the original Dawn of the Dead which is another perfect masterpiece. I’m really into 70s and earlier, and a lot of European stuff. A couple random favorites in no order are City of the Living Dead, Blood and Black Lace, Deranged, Spider Baby, Blood on Satan’s Claw, Ken Russell’s The Devils, The Blind Dead series, the Coffin Joe series. And of course, the classics, I have a whole tattoo sleeve of the original horror monsters. Dracula, Wolfman, The Mummy, The Black Cat, White Zombie, The Raven, The Fly. It goes on and on…

What was the scariest night of your life?

Any night that I have to go through sober is pretty scary.

If you could bring back greats who have passed on, who would be your undead opening band?

 Another great question. Robert Johnson, BB King, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Jeffrey Lee Pierce, Rozz Williams, Lux Interior, Son House.

Final thoughts / Anything you want to tell the Horror Addicts?

Next time you want to watch Nightmare on Elm Street 3 or Night of the Demons for the 25th time, go out of your way and search for something new. There’s a lot more out there.

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