Finale Guest: G TOM MAC

For the finale, Dan Shaurette interviewed with one of our favorite musicians, a legend in the industry of soundtracks for TV and film as well as playing on tour, Mr. Gerard McMahon, aka G TOM MAC.


2017 marks the 30th Anniversary of The Lost Boys! Of course his song, “Cry Little Sister” is forever linked to the movie.

All through the 80’s and 90’s and beyond he left his mark on many film and TV soundtracks. The compilation album Full Circle of Mad Years runs the gamut from Fast Times at Ridgemont High to Chasing Amy and more. Hell, KISS covered his song “Is That You” on their hit album Unmasked.

He is still writing and performing. His music can be found in two upcoming movies. The new Lionsgate film Grey Lady which hits theaters this later this year, and you can spot G in the movie singing the movie’s theme song, “Eyes on the Prize”. Plus there’s the upcoming comedy The Best Thanksgiving Ever which he wrote all of the music for.

In 2017, he’s releasing a new album called THOU and he will be playing gigs around the country to celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Lost Boys.

We hope you join us for the season finale, premiering October 22, to hear the interview with G TOM MAC. To find out more about him and his music, please visit

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