Band Interview: Schatten Muse

What singers or bands inspired you growing up?

80s Synth-Bands and The Cure mainly.

Who are your favorite artists today?

Classical faves are older bands in a spectrum from Dead Can Dance to Das Ich.

What non-musical things inspire your music?

Lyric, history and mystic.

What Album/Song/Tour are you excited about right now?

At the moment about the new Goethes Erben album, what will be released Eater 2024 and a finally new album by Das Ich.

Where was the coolest place to play? Where did you enjoy yourselves the most?

Schatten Muse does not perform live yet.

What are your favorite horror movies?

“Shining”, “Room 1408”, “Ghost Ship”, “Frankenstein”, “Hellrainer”…

What was the scariest night of your life?

It´s up to come still!

If you could bring back greats who have passed on, who would be your undead opening band?

Think it will be Throbbing Gristle.

Anything you want to tell the Horror Addicts?

See you in emptiness!

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