David’s Haunted Library: Monster Smash-Ups and Pray For Darkness

David's Haunted Library

Monster-Smash-Ups-02I haven’t read a lot of comics over the last few years but recently I found myself wondering what good horror comics are out there? It didn’t take to long to find an indie horror comic publisher that’s putting out quality horror comics and graphic novels. Scary Tales Publishing is run by Kevin M. Glover and produces comic anthologies that are a throwback to the black and white horror comics of yesteryear, such as Tales From The Crypt and The Vault Of Horror.

The comic I read from Scary Tales Publishing was Monster Smash-Ups Issue 1.Monster-Smash-Ups-03This book contains 40 pages and 6 stories of monster mash-ups. Some of the things that you will see if you pick up this anthology is astronauts on a strange planet trying to escape a space monster, Dracula versus an Arthurian knight, a horde of mummies, a swamp monster fighting zombies and a diary written by Anne Frankenstein. If you love monsters then you can’t pass this up.

Every story in this book was good but the one story that really stood out for me was The Diary Of Anne Frankenstein. The year is 1887 and young Anne Frankenstein is hiding in an attic as the angry villagers are going through town killing all the creatures of the night and throwing them in a pit. Anne may be a child but she has skills and the villagers will be sorry they messed with her. This story is an obvious nod to  The Diary Of Anne Frank and looks at intolerance in a fun way. I would love to see a series based on this story.

Monster smash-Ups is a lot of fun and a must have for horror fans. It takes me back to a time when I liked to sit in my room with my friends looking through horror comics and saying how cool the monsters in it were. I got a great sense of nostalgia while reading this book. You can tell that the artists and writers who put Monster Smash-Ups together have a true love of the genre. Great art, a sense of humor and fun story-lines. This is everything a horror comic should be.



23791949Many explorers have died in the Amazon and their bodies were never found. The jungle has been called the Green Hell and its a vicious uncaring place full of predators of different shapes and sizes. But this fact doesn’t seem to stop thrill seekers and tourists from visiting the jungle. Ben and his friends are about to take the trip of their lifetime into the untamed jungle.

What starts off as a wondrous trip into a beautiful part of the world, quickly becomes a fight for survival. On their way to a campground their boat captain is murdered and the tourists are stuck in a remote location where no one can find them. Now they have to make their way back to lodge they came from while being stalked by something that wont let them leave the Amazon alive.

Pray For Darkness by James Michael Rice is a horror novel where the jungle itself is the main character. In the beginning its described as a beautiful place with exotic animals, luscious fruit and it has everything you would need to live off the land. Later in the book we see it as the ultimate killer that can end your life in a thousand different ways leaving your body where it will never be found.

The jungle is a living, breathing dangerous thing in Pray For Darkness and that’s what made this book great. One of my favorite scenes in this book didn’t include any people but instead focused on animals struggling to survive in the wild. The chapter starts with a family of capybaras being stalked by a jaguar. The author gets into the heads of the animals and you see how hard it is for them to thrive in this place. I found myself feeling emotion for the capybara trying to save its family and the starving jaguar just trying to survive.  Then the scene gets more horrifying when a group of bigger predators arrive.

The predators in question could be considered zombies but in my opinion they are faster, smarter and more vicious than zombies. There is one scene when one of the characters is turned into a zombie like creatures that is downright chilling. This is when the book changes from being about the beauty of the amazon to a horror novel. I also loved how we see the character’s personalities change when they are confronted with danger. You could say this book is two books in one.

The thing I didn’t like about Pray For Darkness was that it took a long time to get into the action. The first half of the story focuses on the characters which I didn’t find interesting. The book picks up in the second half though when we find out about the wild humanoids that are stalking the campers. My favorite part of this book was the descriptions of the jungle and I would have liked this book even if it didn’t have any characters. This book brings to life an exotic location that I have never experienced and that was what made it worth reading.

Press Release: Monster Smash-Ups

Press Release : “MONSTER SMASH-UPS” 
 Indie horror comic label Scary Tales Publishing has announced the publication of their newest horror anthology comic magazine, “MONSTER SMASH-UPS”.  This new 40-page magazine format comic book was inspired by the classic Warren Publishing B&W horror comic mags of yesterday. The premier issue even includes a story written by frequent Warren contributor, comic legend, Nicola Cuti.  Each of the six stories has its own unique style and was illustrated by a different artist, from industry veterans like Manuel Martin and Bob Berry to talented newcomers assembled from around the world.
All of the stories are mash-ups; the villagers attacking the monsters in “The Diary of Anne Frankenstein”, a swamp creature vs. zombies in “The Bogman Cometh”, Dracula vs. an Arthurian knight in “Unholy Grail”, vicious predators vs. space miners in “Harvest”, a renown naturalist vs. unnatural terrors in “Mr. Darwin’s Zoo of Horrors”, and even an Arabian legend vs. a horde of menacing mummies in “Ali Baba and the Mummy Thieves”.
Kevin M Glover, publisher of the relatively new indie comic label, said: “We’re very excited to present this more serious collection of horror shorts.  Each tale of terror ends with an ironic twist, ala the old ‘Tales from the Crypt’.  People really seemed to love our companion comic mag, the frighteningly funny ‘FRACTURED SCARY TALES’, (currently launching its 3rd print run), but they also asked if we could make a book that was more scary than parody.  ‘MONSTER SMASH-UPS’ is that book. Just don’t read it alone in the dark!”
The first issue of the semi-annual publication has over forty pages of content, with six chilling short stories.  The suggested retail price is $14.95, but is selling for an introductory price of only $10.00.  It can be purchased online at:FracturedScaryTales.com.
Publisher Kevin M Glover is perhaps best known as the producer of the cult films, “Dinosaur Valley Girls” and “Venus Flytrap”.  He is also a multi-award winning screenwriter, published author and active member of the Horror Writers Association.  He can be contacted through his website: ScreamWriter4Hire.com.