Book Birthday: Horror Addicts Guide to Life



Horror Addicts Guide to LifeHorror Addicts Guide to Life

Cover art by: Masloski Carmen

Editor: David Watson

Do you love the horror genre? Do you look at horror as a lifestyle? Do the “norms” not understand your love of the macabre?

Despair no longer, my friend, for within your grasp is a book written by those who look at horror as a way of life, just like you. This is your guide to living a horrifying existence. Featuring interviews with Midnight Syndicate, Valentine Wolfe, and The Gothic Tea Society.

Authors: Kristin Battestella, Mimielle, Emerian Rich, Dan Shaurette, Steven Rose Jr., Garth von Buchholz, H.E. Roulo, Sparky Lee Anderson, Mary Abshire, Chantal Boudreau, Jeff Carlson, Catt Dahman, Dean Farnell, Sandra Harris, Willo Hausman, Laurel Anne Hill, Sapphire Neal, James Newman, Loren Rhoads, Chris Ringler, Jessica Robinson, Eden Royce, Sumiko Saulson, Patricia Santos Marcantonio, J. Malcolm Stewart, Stoneslide Corrective, Mimi A.Williams, and Ron Vitale. With art by Carmen Masloski and Lnoir.

Book Birthday: Horror Addicts Guide to Life

Horror Addicts Guide to Life

Available now!Horror Addicts Guide to Life

Cover art by: Masloski Carmen

Editor: David Watson

Do you love the horror genre? Do you look at horror as a lifestyle? Do the “norms” not understand your love of the macabre?

Despair no longer, my friend, for within your grasp is a book written by those who look at horror as a way of life, just like you. This is your guide to living a horrifying existence. Featuring interviews with Midnight Syndicate, Valentine Wolfe, and The Gothic Tea Society.

Authors: Kristin Battestella, Mimielle, Emerian Rich, Dan Shaurette, Steven Rose Jr., Garth von Buchholz, H.E. Roulo, Sparky Lee Anderson, Mary Abshire, Chantal Boudreau, Jeff Carlson, Catt Dahman, Dean Farnell, Sandra Harris, Willo Hausman, Laurel Anne Hill, Sapphire Neal, James Newman, Loren Rhoads, Chris Ringler, Jessica Robinson, Eden Royce, Sumiko Saulson, Patricia Santos Marcantonio, J. Malcolm Stewart, Stoneslide Corrective, Mimi A.Williams, and Ron Vitale. With art by Carmen Masloski and Lnoir.

Book Birthday: Horror Addicts Guide to Life – Available now!


Published by April 3, 2015

Horror Addicts Guide to Life

Available now! 

Cover art by: Masloski Carmen

Editor: David Watson

Do you love the horror genre? Do you look at horror as a lifestyle? Do the “norms” not understand your love of the macabre?

Despair no longer, my friend, for within your grasp is a book written by those who look at horror as a way of life, just like you. This is your guide to living a horrifying existence. Featuring interviews with Midnight Syndicate, Valentine Wolfe, and The Gothic Tea Society.

Authors: Kristin Battestella, Mimielle, Emerian Rich, Dan Shaurette, Steven Rose Jr., Garth von Buchholz, H.E. Roulo, Sparky Lee Anderson, Mary Abshire, Chantal Boudreau, Jeff Carlson, Catt Dahman, Dean Farnell, Sandra Harris, Willo Hausman, Laurel Anne Hill, Sapphire Neal, James Newman, Loren Rhoads, Chris Ringler, Jessica Robinson, Eden Royce, Sumiko Saulson, Patricia Santos Marcantonio, J. Malcolm Stewart, Stoneslide Corrective, Mimi A.Williams, and Ron Vitale. With art by Carmen Masloski and Lnoir.

My Melancholy Life by Mimielle

Counterculture –vs- Subculture, a small conversation with myself

Hey Addicts, Mimielle here from and I hope the Season of the Curses, unlucky 13 is not setting you back this spring. With Mercury finally out of retrograde now our communications should have become a lot clearer but it’s still good to take some time to think about our words, their meanings, their definitions and most of all their effect and impact…on ourselves, on others…even the words we use in our thoughts to our secret selves have a very big effect.  Choose them carefully if you want the magic of change from within to really take hold and if you are looking to take control of your own destiny, especially if you tend to sometimes feel ‘battered by the fates, unlucky or even yes, maybe cursed.

Today I was thinking about alternative cultures…meaning the walks of life of all kinds that do not quite cleave to the norms or march to the beat of the mainstream…maybe some are only a little different, some are definitely a lot, maybe some are more about style, likes and dislikes, the more superficial differences and then some are more fundamental to our very identity. So when it is a subculture and when are we counterculture revolutionaries, and when is it right to be so and when is it maybe not so important to expend the extra energy on? Let’s take a look:

First I pondered on the word culture itself….

Within society, culture is defined in several ways:

The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.

The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.

 A refined understanding or appreciation of culture.

The attitudes and behaviour characteristic of a particular social group.

So what is the difference between a subculture and a counterculture and why are they important to both define and note the distinction?

Let’s again define…

A subculture is “A cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture.”

Whereas a Counterculture is “A way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm.”

(all definitions were taken from the Oxford Living Dictionary.)

So…because a counter-culture implies an actual opposition, covert or overt, it expends a LOT more energy than just a belief or interest, a fashion or even a different lifestyle as defined by a subculture. A person with a subcultural difference can more often still get along in the mainstream world much easier than one with countercultural beliefs, feelings or even a way of being that runs countercultural to the main culture where they live. What does this all mean in a nutshell?

Several things. First of all, hate crimes know no bounds or neat definitions and examples like Sophie Lancaster’s murder began conversations that are still going on.  There is no easy answer to this just a lot of questions that are important to keep asking ourselves, our family and friends and our society

  People with a countercultural foundation belief or state of being often feel as if they have to fight to even have the right to be heard or acknowledged at all or sometimes to even BE at all.

On the other hands, subcultural ennui runs rampant, running the gamut from triviealizing things via meaninglless shouting matches onthe internet to having quiet converasions that may contain the seeds of change.  We do everything from get really angry and lobby and write letters, sometimes we shrug it off, sometimes we write poetry, make art, write plays and dramas about it in order to both act it out n the public arena and to be heard in a creative way, to make an act of revolution in a small way.

The ennui can also be really strong and the feeling of being misunderstood or not heard, a huge influencing factor in our everyday lives but I still do *personally* not think it is not the same as someone who had a countercultural belief or state of being which makes their actual everyday life much more difficult. I have avoided examples because I do not have a strong countercultural standpoint in my life, just a very strong subcultural one. But I have empathy for my friends and loved ones who do live countercultural lives every day, not usually by choice of their own making and I see their struggle and I know it goes deeper than MY own subculture feelings of “other-ness” or “outsider-ness” because I can still blend in if I CHOOSE to without compromising who I am or my core beliefs. Many countercultural revolutionaries cannot. Does that mean the feeling of outsider-ness or other-ness we feel as members of a subculture are diminished? Of course not. At minimum, we have all gotten ‘the look’, the eyeroll, the stares, heard the whispers, maybe been challenged. But I believe turning out in our everyday lives with our subcultural signals is an important part of letting mainstream culture know that the differences, great or small are important.

What do you think, Addicts, when you have the chance to stand out and stand strong, do you take it? I encourage you too. Not to be unsafe or to endanger yourself or others but to push the envelope, to widen that main stream into a bigger river that someday maybe can include us all as we are and as we need and want to be. No matter your sub, counter or mainstream culture Addicts, stay strong and stay beautiful.

The previous column is a lifestyle and opinion piece and reflects the personal opinions and thoughts of Mimielle and doesn’t represent or the other staff members. In this lifestyle column, from time to time, controversy can (and should) erupt and we welcome frank and open discussion and comments as long as everyone remains respectful and civil to one another.

My Melancholy Life by Mimielle


Hey Addicts, Mimielle of the here and I’m so glad to be joining the cast for season 13 “Curse of the Deadline”, I’m calling it! I will have a lot to report on this season including fashion events my fashion picks and reports from the world of Normie fashion. Also, the renaissance of DIY fashion in the blog-o-sphere as I recommend some amazing fashion and DIY YouTubers. The Wickeds, HorrorAddict’s own Wicked Women Writers group has started meeting at a virtual world HQ for in new Babbage, one of the premiere Steampunks estates. Here is the address if you would like to dive into the virtual world to join us!

I’ll additionally be reporting on a horror genre screenwriting workshop as sponsored by and the Wickeds which began April 12.
In a cozy headquarters, you’ll find that the tea is on, the absinthe is louching, the bookshelves are filling up and we have room for fellow Horror authors and those in related genres to put out their books with excerpts, illustrations and a web link to share. When they say that the virtual worlds are a whole new and different place they mean it, and Second Life is a great place to discover creativity of yours and other people’s.

I have started checking the humidity reports as spring and my ball jointed dolls are calling for some painting and the sealants are finicky. Try explaining that to an impatient doll waiting for her face to be painted so her story can be told!

On the real-life side of my social milieu, I will be attending Paradiso a Woodland Arcadia as a VIP in May as well as securing our season tickets to the Kansas City Ballet. We will see Peter Pan, The Wizard of Oz, Lady of the Camellias and more. Hopefully trips to Kansas City will also include some Lolita fashion meets and Goth nights with the Kansas City Goths and the Absinthe and Poetry Society, The Wormwood Collective. I have some plans to read there this summer. At home, I’m in charge of planning the twice-yearly International Lolita Day outings in June and December. So I will be scouting out local tea, brunch and sweets places so we can venture forth in our frills and I will report to you on everything.

It’s going to be a full and fun season, Addicts. So I hope you’ll come along and watch your step! The Curse of Season 13 is upon us!




Does it seem like some kind of fussing is just everywhere this summer? I mean more than usual even?

It’s the hottest part of the summer here and people are bored so they talk. (and talk and talk). Online, at the coffee shop, in line at the store, at the PokéStop.


When the temperatures climb, it seems tempers get shorter and among the wonderments that the internet has brought us in its bag of the cheaper techno-tricks is much more immediate and free access to global gossip.

A 24 hour Entertainment Weekly style of gossip-mongering inundates YouTube and everyone will agree at least to an extent that Tumblr is a mess. Kat von D (and others) called out Jeffree Star who had called out Kylie Jenner earlier in the month. It’s really been a smorgasbord at the Celebrity Circus this July (even leaving OUT the politics!)…

Shots are fired with call-outs, then everyone responds, and then replies to the responses. I have not seen this much kerfuffle since the Lime Crime/Doe Deere scandals.

Behavior, makeup quality, CONTROVERSY! I follow some beauty vloggers but most of the people I like are too busy hauling new products, reviewing summer goodies and anticipating the fall and holiday 2016 collections to get involved in the gossip. My current faves are Lisa Eldridge (professionalism and technique), Tarababyz (for epic hauls). But there are ALSO the entire channels that have popped up to just dish the gossip, spill the tea, read people so harshly and throw a bunch of shade in every direction in the form of ‘having an opinion’.

When did that happen and why are we watching them? Epic views for nothing really more than…mean gossip dished daily? No, I draw the line at this. Maybe you will too after you think about it.

It hit the Gothic community too this month, over a video “40 Years of Goth Style (in under 4 minutes)”, and the responses and replies to replies. Yes, I also have my opinion about it but no, I really don’t think it merits a video response for people to watch me reacting to it. I’d rather people formed their own opinions from the source, and then discuss them with me. I have toyed with starting a makeup review and alt lifestyle YouTube channel but I really question the content when videos are actually reactions to the source of anything and nothing more than opinion. Possibly helpful when choosing a lipstick or a salad recipe, deadly when forming our actual opinions, views and outlooks about anything very important simply because it IS second hand news, filtered through the reaction of another person first. I can’t get behind that.

If there is anything I have personally learned from seeing these controversies, opinions and reactions come and go is that what I sometimes take away from it has an effect on me. On my mood, on my outlook and on my general way of seeing things. Garbage in, garbage out, so they say.

I DO think it is important to be informed about many things, including being a well-informed consumer and supporting (or not) those people and businesses whose belief and values align with our own to a certain extent but I also feel there is a point when watching this ‘window on the world’ has become just another time-wasting bad habit to somehow get sucked into. It can seem too vivid and sometimes commands too much attention that it really doesn’t deserve when the things in our own lives really can benefit more from our attention. So I say, “Watch but watch wisely and in a limited and aware fashion, be choosey and think for yourself”. Do not just give your attention to these ‘controversies’ for the sake of the latest little tidbit of juicy gossip. It can steal your time and focus!

Mimielle sig, orange

**Some final words of caution for my fellow makeup mavens: Cheap Chinese products, the Ali Express and Ebay “dupes” for more expensive makeup like the Lime Crime Velvetines, many higher end eye shadow and face palettes and popular items like the Kylie Jenner Lip Kits can be tempting, it’s true. But they may or may NOT even be safe to use at all and there is really no way to tell since they are not governed by any cosmetic review board or agencies like the FDA in the US or the European Commission so please be cautious rather than sorry and search for your less expensive dupes at the drugstore or from trusted online companies. Indie brands and lesser known companies like Sugarpill, Notoriously Morbid, Violet Voss and Makeup Monster are amazing lately and Colorpop is fast becoming a trusted budget brand as well, with many great reviews on  NYX is a favorite around here, and they have amazing colors and good sales at Ulta. Ingredient labels on products from Ali Express and similar selling agencies may or may NOT even be truthful since they just copy a photo of the packaging so there is no guarantee those cosmetic copy ingredients are even safe to use on your skin, especially on your lips and eyes. Not worth the risk.


My Melancholy Life: Amuse Bouche ~ 2 Lolita Fashion Bites

An amuse-bouche [aˌmyzˈbuʃ] (plural amuse-bouches) is a single, bite-sized hors d’œuvre. Amuse-bouches are different from appetizers in that they are not ordered from a menu by patrons, but are served gratis and according to the chef’s selection alone. These, often accompanied by a complementing wine, are served both to prepare the guest for the meal and to offer a glimpse into the chef’s approach to the art of cuisine.

The ‘definition’ has escaped and has been expanded to refer to everything from a little bit of morning sex (see Urban Dictionary) to a lipstick line from Bite Beauty. Basically  a small amount of something that is not enough to satisfy but intended to tease your interest before the main event. I’m going to use it to introduce (but not wax rhapsodic) about some diverse subjects from my hobbies and personal experiences here in my column so I hope you will enjoy it! I am always happy to provide further information so please feel free to ask for further details in a letter to The staff always loves to hear from podcast listeners and all our readers out there.


As always, controversy and ‘ruffle kerfluffle’ has erupted in the Lolita Community over the generalizing in the shortened version of this video posted  very recently by Refinery 29 on Facebook but for me, aside from a few points, this sums it up quite well in general terms for people who are not already involved in the fashions. Devotees love to debate the finer points such as “There is a definite section of males who wear Lolita as well”, “It is inspired by the Rococo period of history just as much if not more than by the Victorian period”  and also “It is not a costume” are a few comments I have seen as I glanced through.

This look, through a male eye, tells a somewhat similar but different story:

My fiance liked the second video and said it was pretty accurate. He wears formal modern clothing to accompany me to Lolita events, meets and teas locally in our private group of friends, at conventions and mostly to meet up with the Kansas City Lolita community, which we are both a happy part of . He was admiring the ensemble the host chose so it is fun to show another view of the fashion too. It’s also nice to clearly show that men have several options and most communities are welcoming if you choose to attend events and seek advice on what to wear (and how to behave) beforehand.

So there are two little tastes of Lolita Fashion for you. What is YOUR first impression when seeing Lolita Fashion? I’d love to hear your thoughts and descriptions, so please leave me a comment if you want to have a little chat! I’ll brew up a pot of tea and set the table…

Mimielle sig, orange

My Melancholy Life: Building an Alternative Capsule Wardrobe



This blog post plays well with my spot in podcast #127 so be sure to tune in for more ideas and chatter and as always, please feel free to mail any of us  questions or comments via If you want me to answer specifically, please use  “Mimielle” somewhere in the subject line. We always LOVE to hear from you and can often provide several viewpoints and have a good discussion with other listeners, guests and just have fun!

So…on to the fashion talk session this time. A lookbook and DIY section are below, so hang tight after this intro!

Firstly, I mention in the podcast that for Pastel Goths and people who like to mix in lighter  colors, this and next year will be your year to find great pieces and accessories in the Pantone colors of the year, Rose Quartz and Serenity, a light pink and pale baby blue.



pastel goth boot via buzzfeed

Pastel Goth Boots via Buzzfeed

Even for us black-lovers, these colors in crystals or gemstone accents can be beautiful so don’t write them off completely! You can read something about the beliefs in the healing and magical properties of simple beautiful rose quartz stones here.

rose quartz crystal


BUT…being the filthy enterprising opportunist that I am I thought, “What if WE alternative wardrobe wearers, seekers and even beginners could use this Normie technique to just sneakily change the way we dress to fit our own style. So between these concepts

  • Minimalism (reason getting rid of things you do not want to wear)

  • DIY (making some things feel more like things you DO want to wear)

  • ‘Tidying’ (another reason for getting rid of things you do not want to wear)

your new capsule wardrobe can be born.

Study up, then get to work, Addicts!

You’ll be fabulous on no time, I am certain of it!


The Lookbook Section

pop of color

Basic Capsule Wardrobe

romantic summer goth

Romantic Summer Goth



summer Nu-Goth

Summer Nu-Goth

vintage inspired

Vintage Inspired


The DIY Section

This time we tackle the Jean Problem…fading blacks:

Black Avalanche for overdying your black jeans black again:

I know, I know that music is….well, have some crackers with that cheese bby. But…the technique is sound.

More in-depth tutorial from Rit Studio using the liquid version.

I also found a video for dying a leather purse…I’ll take on the challenge myself on an ugly-colored one from a thrift shop this summer and let you know  how THAT it goes!

When using dye, paint or doing any DIY, ALWAYS be sure you read the CLEAN UP instructions for sinks, your tools and the area, do not re-use the dying pots, utensils, tools or tubs for edibles and wear old clothes or…oops, clothes that you might not mind getting some black on, thereby re-creating the ‘dye and smile’ scenario over and over. It has been known to happen…

I am on the hunt for a dress I can DIY pastel, then use color remover then dye to black as well, that’s a neat trick I have been reading up on so hopefully I will have a lot to report on fashion-wise in our future!

RIT has a new formulation also released to DYE POLYESTER too!! Who knew?!?

More on that later too *makes a note*


You can pick up a copy of Horror Addict’s Guide to Life with many more of my tips, tricks and DIYs in addition to these  as well as get a used copy of Ms Kondo’s book  on Amazon while you are shopping (for about USD$6 these days by the way) or probably find it in a nearby library now that the demand for perfectly organized wardrobes is a little passé and we have moved back into our comfortable consumerism, already making our decorating haul lists for Halloween and gift lists for winter holidays.

But that article is for another day!

Mimielle sig, orange


My Melancholy Life: Some Resources and Information About Elder Goths



Hey Addicts, Mimielle here following up on one of the questions we received from June in Dead Mail recently June writes

” I feel like I am too old to turn Goth but I just realized I’ve been one all my life without dressing like that. Now that I am 53, I know that people will think I am odd dressing that way at my age. What can I do to ease into the style without freaking out my conservative friends?”

I had quite a bit to say in episode #126 and here are some of the followup links and resources I promised.



Here is a cross-section of goths over 30, many types, many looks and ways of self-expression!


Some capsule wardrobe ideas including pieces that can pass in the “normie” world as well~

Thrift them, shop your closet, have a friends clothing swap night, maybe they have some secret Goth-y things hiding away!

on wednesdays




The free walk-in beauty services my local Sephora currently offers that could all be done with a more Goth twist:

  • Smoky Eye, (dark and a bit dramatic)
  • Essential Eyeliner (ask for Gothic cat eyes)
  • Polished Brows (arch them!)
  • Flawless Foundation (the perfected base for anything else)


…and finally, a couple of shots of my ‘eldergoth’ look, from earlier this year. My main style is Gothic Lolita but I range afield into Shiro (white Goth) and yeah, I have me a Stevie Nicks poncho, boots and some swirly skirts too!



mimi crystal bridges

To tell you a secret though, I do not feel any more ‘eldergoth’ now than I felt ‘baby-bat’ when I was young and using a sharpie as an eyeliner!

Lagniappe…how a good friend ‘sees’ me in her drawings 🙂


Mimielle sig, orange







It’s March, Welcome to Wonderland of the Mad!


March Madness is upon us and what better place to celebrate madness than to go on a few little trips to Wonderland? This month here at Horror Addicts, we invite you to join us in some wonderful, wayward & whimsical shenanigans as well as a few darker turns into the shadows. Madness is of course, a Wonderland in your head after all so we are all a special little kind of mad in our own way.

Even a cat will tell you that!


“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked. “Oh you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here.”

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, “What road do I take?” The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?” “I don’t know,” Alice answered. “Then,” said the cat, “it really doesn’t matter, does it?”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass

The Equinox is March 20th so if you are looking to plan a mad little party, look for faeries at the bottom of the garden or sip an absinthe cocktail and write some verse, here is your opportunity! 😀

Do you ever wonder if you’re mad?

Could it be the dreams you’ve had?

Or because you’re often sad?

Take heart my friend, we’ve all been there

And honestly to be quite fair

It’s better if you just don’t care.

Mimielle sig

My Boozy Valentine

It is fun to make some special and romantic things for Valentine’s day but candy hearts felt chalky, I’m too lazy to bake and I am out of patience for pretty paper snips so I thought, why not DRINKS?? So here are a couple along with a special ‘recipe’ to kind of re-invent something very pretty with your own touch as well.




Who has not seen VINIQ? It is beautiful, mesmerizing, and pretty darn tasty. If you can find it I DO urge you to try it just for the novelty and experience. It comes in 375 and 750ml bottles, I found a 375ml bottle of the original purple.

It’s a bit hard to find, especially outside the US, I did not realize this until speaking with a couple of international friends!
It comes in 3 colors and flavors only and is a little on the expensive side as well so…I got to experimenting thanks to some Youtube research. Shoutouts to The Tipsy Bartender as well as Lana’s Tails for ideas. Mine is flavored differently because I used concentrated flavoring oil rather than more flavored booze. VINIQ is 20% alcohol by volume so your mix will depend on your taste as well as the proof of your Vodka and Moscato. I will post the ingredients as a guide with the proportions I used but try other white wines if you prefer drier or different tastes than a Moscato, (using still not sparkling varieties) and DO mix your finished Faux-nique with some champagne in a cocktail…I call my blue one “Jewel of the Nile”. You can mix this about 2/3 to 1/3 of other clear ingredients before the shimmer dulls too much for my taste.  It’s all about the PRETTY, but a bit of tiny bubbles from sparkling wine lightens the taste nicely. I found club soda has ‘big’ bubbles and Perrier had an off taste so your mileage may vary.


2/3 Moscato (I used Cupcake Vinyards)

1/3 Absolut Vodka

1/2 tube of shimmer gel icing

3ml LorAnn Raspberry flavoring oil (to taste, I was going for a sort of ‘blue raspberry’ vibe but there are many flavors)

Directions: Shake the gel and flavoring oil with the Vodka until the gel is completely dissolved (easier in batches), add the Moscato and admire.

Jewel of the Nile

3 oz Faux-nique

1-2 oz Freixenet Cordon Brut (or your fave sparkling wine)

Directions: Make sure both are chilled well. Add the sparkling wine slowly to the Faux-nique to preserve the bubbles.


And for the guys and just for funs, I give you the Fat Bastard!

Be warned, it has a kick!

fat bastard cocktail

Mine is even fatter because I use half and half instead of the 2% milk called for in the original.

2 oz Vodka (I used Absolut)
2 oz Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur

2 oz of half-and half

Directions: Add both chilled alcohols to 2 oz half-and half and stir (or okok, 2% milk if you really WANT to)

I mixed this one 1 oz of each so mine is a skinnier Fat Bastard but richer because of the half-and-half.

I mainly chose this cocktail so I could post a prettier photo than there is on the net so yeah, it’s also a Vain Fat Bastard.
fatbastard bonus audio

Finally, a pretty Martini  and the ‘sister’ Mocktail that is easy to make and delicious.

White Chocolate Raspberry Martini

Raspberry White Chocolate Martini

1 oz Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur (many liqueurs and alcohols come in 375ml bottles btw if you do not want a full 750ml)

1-2 oz Vodka depending how strong you want it, I used 1 oz Absolut

1 oz heavy cream

2ml Lorann raspberry flavoring oil

Canned whipped cream

Fresh raspberries for garnish

Directions: Shake or stir vodka, flavoring oil and ice together, add other ingredients, shake or stir well. remove ice or strain and pour into Martini glass, garnish with whipped cream and pre-skewered fresh raspberries.

Warning, whipped cream melts faster on strong drinks so serve immediately or hold off on the whipped cream until the last minute.

For the Mocktail: leave out both of the alcohols, add an ounce of half-and-half and an ounce of water and some white chocolate syrup to taste. Torani, Ghiradelli and Monin all make one. Mix and garnish the same way.
Martini bonus audio


And what do we do with the left overs? Why put them in tasty Coffee Drinks the next morning, then have a Teriyaki Bloody Mary (recipe upon request with a COMMENT below) and keep the rest of the Vodka for another day…the Lorann flavoring oils are what I use to flavor my coffee and smoothies anyway without adding sugar. I use stevia instead.



1oz Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur in an Espresso Shot

1oz Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur in an Espresso Shot


I hope you have enjoyed this post, please drink responsibly, don’t drink and drive and if you make Faux-nique, show me your photo – I would love to see it!!

stay beautiful

What would the “7 Deadly Sins” Drink?


lucifer mixes drinks

Since I have been busy personifying the 7 Deadly Sins in my mind, I was wondering what they might like to drink…do you think the drinks match the characters?

Pride goes to Starbucks. “I’ll have a venti, half-whole milk, one quarter 1%, one quarter non-fat, extra hot, split quad shots (1 1/2 shots decaf, 2 1/2 shots regular), no foam latte, with whip, 2 packets of Splenda, 1 sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and 3 short sprinkles of cinnamon.    Garrick Saito on Quora

Sloth drinks milk from the carton or has a meal replacement shake. I guess if someone made them a cocktail they could be bothered to taste it but they might not like it.

Greed wants sets of Rainbow Shots!

Envy always has an Absinthe Cocktail but wonders if everyone else’s drinks taste better than theirs.

Lust has Sex on the Beach repeatedly, naturally!

Wrath slams double Whisky Sours with extra Bitters and sneers at everyone, killing the conversation.

Gluttony always brings their own Super Big Gulp of the current Mountain Dew limited flavor and has a 5 Hour Energy in their pocket for later.

deadly bottles

stay beautiful


7 Deadly Sins Acrostic


grunge 7 deadly 8 bit lust







Lasciviously lazing in her boudoir

Under a canopy of roses and red light

She waits for her lover

Then the next…and the next…

grunge 7 deadly 8 bit gluttony







Gourmand –vs- Gourmet they say

Lies just a few more bites away

Unless you are Julia Child

Then it might be excused.

Tut-tut my child, you’ve eaten all your share and

Other portions besides, more than a simple

Nosh or hearty Snack or even a full Meal.

Yumyumyum {burp}

grunge 7 deadly 8 bit pride







Persnickety prancing peacock

Rolled in self-satisfaction

I will surpass all others

Delightfully so!

Especially my cousin Envy.

grunge 7 deadly 8 bit envy







Ever wishing,

Never satisfied

Vanity’s poor cousin


grunge 7 deadly 8 bit wrath







Well you have done it now.

Righteous indignation triggered,

Are you mad to provoke me knowing

That I am constantly on the edge of anger that can easily spill into

Hatred for anything in my path?

grunge 7 deadly 8 bit greed







Give me all that is

Rightfully mine and in addition, you can

End the idea that I will share

Everything as one might wish because that’s just

Dumb…more for me, you see?

grunge 7 deadly 8 bit sloth







Slowly I climb out of bed, all the

Life in me barely stirring

Over a cup of coffee

That will possibly

Help but never really be effective.


stay beautiful












Bowie, Now and Forever


David Bowie, 69, died of liver cancer at home in New York on January 10th, 2015 two days after both his birthday and the release of his current album Blackstar. He was born in Brixton, south London, England in 1947.

You will read all the longer obits if you are that sort of fan but READING will fall short if you aren’t so GO LISTEN, GO WATCH.

Almost everything he made was meant to be seen, heard, experienced, certainly not read ‘about’ except as publicity.

Ok, ok…I have a few words…
David Bowie was occasionally everyone. He was a diamond, a chameleon, an alien and every(wo)man. Sometimes all at once.

He could be me, my lover or my best friend, in the form of a song…didn’t you feel that way? Everyone I know has a ‘favorite David Bowie song”, persona or even a favorite era. Wikipedia has a pretty thorough entry that I will never read because I only watch the film footage and listen…and listen.

He was daring and experimental in his music always, and as theatrical in his stage shows as he was on the film sets. I suspect he was always an actor even when no one was looking, just for the fun of it. As a stage actor he needed no makeup or prostheses to play The Elephant Man and yet on the screen he was the beautiful Goblin King we all adored. We joked that sometimes he was probably Tilda Swinton. 🙂 (and we were right!)

Inventing new characters for each era, quiet and sober or deranged on drugs and back again, he made music, films, he wrote and made art. Refusing most awards, he crafted to make a life he wanted.
On his deathbed yesterday, he was writing. He lived the life he chose, he was brave, daring and true. Or on Tuesdays, spoofing, ironic and “a nasty character indeed”.

From Ambient music with Brian Eno to “Under Pressure” with Queen and everything into the modern age, he expressed for us all along the way, giving us his glam, his release and catharsis, his new beginnings, the characters and reinventions, taking us along on his self-improvements, dragging us down aurally for the descents into hellish chaos.

His influence on modern culture began in the late 1960’s and will continue to be legend. His characters will live forever.

He will always be my Blackstar, high and bright among my Heroes for not just one day but all the days. Oh, and officially a spider.
Heteropoda davidbowie

Heteropoda davidbowie
Photo: Senckenberg Museum of Natural History

January’s Blog Theme: The Seven Deadly Sins

January’s theme is The Seven Deadly Sins.

by Mimielle

Seven little words that can judge, condemn,  even damn but…can also be meditative points of introspection giving us a clye to our innermost drives, needs and secret desires…do you dare dive in and explore, write, re-envision them? Claim them even?

We all have our faults but can we really sew our greatest one up in a tidy bundle from a simple list of words? The ‘Seven Deadlies’ have become rote for some or are even unknown to others, a source of secret shame for many or…a chameleon’s deadly dance for others still as we realize we have one, own it, only to sometimes be overtaken by yet another later in life or another…in a litany of faults that few (if any) ever escape.

So…which is yours? Tell us in the comments below, write about it, play with it! Maybe you will be inspired after seeing and reading some different representations and not just the usual bare and spare single-word list! 800px-Tableau_de_mission_-François-Marie_Balanant_tableau_1-

An allegorical image depicting the human heart subject to the seven deadly sins, each represented by an animal (clockwise: toad = avarice; snake = envy; lion = wrath; snail = sloth;pig = gluttony; goat = lust; peacock = pride).

From Dante’s Inferno, a slightly more descriptive list than the usual single words. Which one is yours?

  1. luxuria (lechery/lust)
  2. gula (gluttony)
  3. avaritia (avarice/greed)
  4. acedia (sloth/discouragement)
  5. ira (wrath)
  6. invidia (envy)
  7. superbia (pride)

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art by Marta Dahlig

stay beautiful




Outré Gifting: What DO you Buy those Odd People in your Life?


We here at plan to gather up at least a couple of gift lists detailing some lovely swag for the more unusual people in your life this season but I thought I’d first take a moment to write some general thoughts on how to even approach gifting for the more outré people you know before you head out for the upcoming sales. Try to be as thoughtful with what you don’t buy as what you do.
You can post this article to your FB timeline, the photo above to Instagram or Pinterest if you have some people in YOUR life who might just need a little direction or post in a group if you have  friends who may need rescuing from the “Normie’s” mad cycle of seasonal giving.

Some people really do find it difficult or frustrating to buy holiday gifts for the more alternative people in their lives. Whether they like to give handmade, specially purchased items or want to go the ‘gift cards, snacks and booze’ route, here is a handy Guide to help navigate the waters safely. This is one place where Google and Amazon are likely NOT going to be your friend because when I searched ‘Goth gifts’ (as Norms are likely to do), oh the CRINGE!


Q. Which Holiday do they celebrate anyway?
A. Doesn’t matter and you really don’t need to find out, honest. ‘Happy Holidays’ and a winter tree, snowflake or abstract squiggle on the card works for everyone even if they do not formally ‘celebrate’ a specific winter holiday. A home-printed, hand-cut or drawn black snowflake card if they are Goth should bring a wry smile. BUT…If they say they do not celebrate and do not gift, please respect that and resist the temptation to spill your holiday spirit over onto them. That’s a gift in itself.
Q. Are they vegan, vegetarian, lacto-ovo? Food allergy, Fair Trade, ethically grown, locavore? So confusing…
A. Doesn’t matter, if there are any food questions or issues, do NOT buy them food unless they ask for it and if they do, buy EXACTLY what they ask for or just get something else entirely. Ditto for anything made with animal product of any kind. Just avoid it. Perhaps they like booze or tea?
Q. Do they drink? (Booze, Tea, Coffee, special sodas with natural extracts and cane sugar only?)
A. Buy their favorite…we often hoard it and don’t treat ourselves as often as we’d like to. Having extra means we can enjoy it more frequently and we will think of you when we do! This goes for any consumable, if they buy it for themselves as a treat, they will probably like to receive some more. Do they hang out at a local coffee shop or tea room? Buy them a gift card!

A handmade card with a gift card, certificate or e-code in it is almost always appropriate, providing you get a gift certificate/card they can actually use.
For Gift Cards, if you can find out:
Their fave online shop(s) (often Indie with a bewildering array of Mysterious Items BUT… usually easy enough to buy E-gift certificates. If you don’t see the option, call or email the shop, they will often accommodate you.)
Their fave Etsy shop(s) (and if they take Etsy Gift Cards)
Where they shop most locally (it might be an independent grocery store, food co-op, natural foods shop, piercing and tattoo place, game shop, book store, bead and hobby shop, fabric store, art supply shop )
Where they like to eat locally. A gift card to a favorite eatery is always a nice indulgence or why not invite them out, ask them to choose the place and catch up on your friendship? That is more in the spirit of the season anyway.
What charities, shelters, help programs, Indiegogo, crowdfunding, art coop projects etc. do they currently support? Where do they volunteer or already donate? You can often easily donate in someone’s name to help a special cause or event that is near and dear.
Example: I’m currently hoping more people will help support Paradiso, and help bring a Lolita event to Kansas City in 2016 and in future years. A gift donation to this would be simply divine! I’ve posted about it on my social media along with supporting WWF so it’s pretty easy to take a look and see what your friends have supported and give a gift donation in their name.


 Aside from the biggie mentioned above about not ‘forcing’ people to participate in holiday activities, I will speak more personally here and give some scenarios I am confident I can advise on:
If we are ‘into something’ or collect something, please don’t presume to know what sort of thing within the genre we will like. It is often very specific and includes things you will not know about and usually excludes many things you would mistakenly buy, then we are stuck with the items because….gift.

Example 1: I have a friend who is into Anime, and specifically loves vintage anime…bigtime. 1) His collection is so big I’d likely duplicate if I did not ask him specifically what to buy, 2) If I bought him something from CLAMP (very popular but he does not like them) he would wince more than a little and have to keep it because it was a gift 3) often the series he buys are quite expensive, are a pre-order and we aren’t the level of friends that exchanges that expensive of gifts so I wouldn’t want to make him feel obligated…
Solution: It would be easy enough to find out from his girlfriend where he likes to order his anime from and give him a gift card. Chances are he has a back-list and there is always a pre-order coming up so a gift card of ANY amount will lighten the final bill. It’s personal enough that it shows you know what he likes and took the time to find out where he likes to get it but allows him to choose for himself.
Example 2: I love a certain artist’s work…but only some of it, I am very particular about the prints I like and wish to add…the rest is really nightmare fuel and I don’t want to collect any at all…
Example 3: Several of my friends follow and wear Lolita fashion. I do too and I often THINK I know what they might like as far as an accessory gift but just as often, they are VERY particular about everything they wear and if I got them a Lolita accessory, they would of course wear it to show me they appreciate my gift…but they may not like it at all!
Solution: Find out what kind of sweets or booze or tea they like or get them a Lolita magazine and let them do the choosing for their very individualistic fashion view. It’s also a big part of the fashion to put together the perfect ensemble with carefully chosen accessories. Solution: an Etsy gift card I can use at their shop or in any Etsy shop that honors them.
Also do not be tempted to ‘improve’ or ‘help’ us by giving ‘normie’ clothes to ‘wear when you aren’t wearing your Goth things’, or give us something like a hair salon or manicure gift certificate unless we ask for it! ‘Tis NOT the season for hints, subtle or not! Yes it’s judge-y, and yes we will judge you for judging us.

Many people appreciate handmade gifts very much, anything you will make. But many do NOT so…how do you REALLY know? They will ASK you for it if they really want it and TELL you they love handmade. Many people use the reasoning ‘I am making my gifts to give so that justifies my spending on my hobby all year to do so’…yeah, not so much a thoughtful thing to do when you think about it!
I am going to go out on a limb here and do a Public Service Announcement that may not be popular, hence another ‘alternative view’…
“Hey Aunt Sadie, we love it that you keep up with your knitting practice, we respect the fact that you have mad skills and make many items but unless we ASK you for a(nother) knitted (insert that thing you make), please STOP using your giiftees as your excuse to support your yarn habit.” PLEASE TAKE A HINT.
I like handmade from some people ONLY and I have let them know beyond a doubt by either buying some of their items or by my not-so-subtle wheedling…for the rest of the people who might randomly gift me something they make…I like Absinthe….and little cheeses…and indie cosmetics.
Also, if your friend or family member makes things, DO support their creativity by shopping with them if you have friends who do like receiving art, crafts or items made by someone they know or a family member. Yes, it’s almost conflicting advice here but giving handmade/handcrafts, local artist gifts are a subject that needs to be more thoroughly researched if you wish to navigate it correctly so just be prepared to do your homework. Or buy booze. There’s always booze…

Buying for your alternative poppets and Dear Ones need not be an arduous task if you can play detective with even a little sensitivity and when in doubt, please do ASK or go the safe route with a known good gift. And finally, remember that not everyone ‘alternative’ automatically likes Hot Topic… (though some of us still do!)

Addicts, do YOU have any horrible gift stories? I’d love to hear about them so we can all have a good laugh over them now that they are hopefully safely BEHIND us and look forward to better gifting and holiday plans THIS year! Comment your stories below. 123, Season Finale Alexandra Christian, Destini Beard, After Dark Films


Horror Addicts Episode# 123

Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich & Camellia Rains

Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe


alexandra christian | destini beard | after dark films

Find all articles and interviews at:

12 days till halloween

sponsor: after dark films,, bead craft, mae martin, zombie apocalypse, showers, costumes, nightmare before christmas, steampunk wedding, glue some gears, glue some skulls on it, halloween, david watson, books, neeta lyffe, karina fabian, zombie exterminator, umbilicus, best in blood, tea parties, mimielle, a.d. vick, spiders, writer’s workshop, gothic, metal,, morbid meals, dan shaurette, the hanged man, tarot card, pizza, horrorotober, the dungeon, zombie, wicked wednesday, san francisco, wicked lit, los angeles, d.j. pitsiladis, nightmare fuel, westfield house, stalking, someone in the walls, once upon a scream, submission call, destini beard, phantom of the opera, the hidden key, lord of the rings, magic the gathering, dark masquerade, infinitus mortus, singer advice,  midnight syndicate, christmas album, grant me serenity, jessie orr, byzanthium, containment, crystal connor, after dark films, stephanie caleb, courtney solomon, rekill, zombie, murder in the dark, lumberjack man, suspension, unnatural, bastard, windwalkers, the wicked within, dead mail, jeff, valentine wolfe, broken pieces, barbarellatones, it came from beyond, marc advice, zombie practice, alex s. johnson, lisa vasquez, mimi williams, ornament complete, alexandra christian

Link for “Broken Pieces” by Valentine Wolfe




Horror Addicts Guide to Life now available on Amazon! blog Kindle syndicated


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…


1015151241-1h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

s t a f f

David Watson, Dan Shaurette, Marc Vale, KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Mimielle, Dawn Wood, Lillian Csernica, Killion Slade, D.J. Pitsiladis, Jesse Orr, A.D. Vick, Mimi Williams, Lisa Vasquez, Alex S. Johnson

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email

b l o g  / c o n t a c t / s h o w . n o t e s 119, Jaq D. Hawkins


Horror Addicts Episode# 119

Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich

Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe

jaq d. hawkins | more machine than man | slasher movies

Find all articles and interviews at:

68 days till halloween

la guns, over the edge, anne rice, vampires, glam metal, halloween shopping, scarela, richard carradine,,,, lisa lestrange, living dead, box of dread, bill rude,, horror art, krampus, terry m. west, turning face, wrestling, demon, andy alexander,, queenie, pocket full of posez, brit austin, edward allen, haunted memories, holographic creepy pics, books, serena toxicat, ghost in bones, david, dance of the goblins, jaq d. hawkins, dreamweavers, kerry alan denney, morbid meals, haggis burgers, the world, tarot, wicked women writers, challengers: jaq d. hawkins, sharmica richardson, master of macabre, challengers: sean t. young, rish outfield, winners announced, judges, evo terra, willo clare hausman, dan shaurette, dario ciriello, lucy blue, sandra saidak, voter winner announced, more machine than man, rob zilla, tasha, music, dawn wood, jesse orr, grant me serenity, black jack, the herd, ed pope, dead kansas, aaron k. carter, slasher movies, kbatz, maniac, the hitcher, j. malcolm stewart, dead mail, swim cap, mimielle, karen, make fun of goths, marc vale, advice, jim, poison, mimi williams, join the staff, social media, jaq d. hawkins, chantal noordeloos

Horror Addicts Guide to Life now available on Amazon! blog Kindle syndicated


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

s t a f f

David Watson, Dan Shaurette, Marc Vale, KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Mimielle, Dawn Wood, Lillian Csernica, Killion Slade, D.J. Pitsiladis, Jesse Orr, A.D. Vick, Mimi Williams

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email

b l o g  / c o n t a c t / s h o w . n o t e s 118, Mercedes Yardley


Horror Addicts Episode# 118

Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich

Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe

mercedes yardley | dark matter noise | stephen king movies

Find all articles and interviews at:

83 days till halloween

83 days till halloween

la guns, crystal eyes, anne rice, queen akasha, vampires, glam metal, heat, sunburn, seaworld, scarela, mike bennett, h.p. lovecraft, addict on the street: jean batt, live baycon, haunters, drag king,  guillermo del toro, strain books, donny marisue, goth dj neshamah, loren rhoads, the dangerous type, kindle books, wait for books, lasher, anne rice, books, matthew weber, a dark and winding road, d.j. pitsiladis, david watson, serial killers, highwayman, ink, glenn benest, dale pitman, morbid meals, dan shaurette, chicken a la king, dawn wood, dark matter noise, hell’s frozen, grant me serenity, jesse orr, black jack, dan shuarette, stephen king movies, it, storm of the century, stand by me, pet cemetary, the green mile, the shining, salem’s lot, christine, shawshank redemption, the mist, creepshow, misery, graveyard shift, firestarter, maximum overdrive, room 237, langoliers, bag of bones, dead mail, angela, halloween costumes, penny dreadful, the stig, top gear, birthday suit, ursula, mimielle, dyed hair in the pool, swimming cap, ask marc vale, vlad, blood stains, mercedes yardley


Horror Addicts Guide to Life now available on Amazon! blog Kindle syndicated



Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

s t a f f

David Watson, Dan Shaurette, Marc Vale, KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Mimielle, Dawn Wood, Lillian Csernica, Killion Slade, D.J. Pitsiladis, Jesse Orr, A.D. Vick

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email

b l o g  / c o n t a c t / s h o w . n o t e s 114, H.E. Roulo


Horror Addicts Episode# 114

Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich

Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe

h.e. roulo | particle son | the walking dead

Find all articles and interviews at:

174 days till halloween

richard cheese, down with the sickness, zombies, baycon, book release party, emerian rich, h.e. roulo, j. malcolm stewart, laurel anne hill, sumiko saulson, loren rhoads, lillian csernica, seanan mcguire, earthquakes, horroraddicts on kindle, babadook, netflix, chiller, lifeforce, colin wilson, the space vampires, tobe hooper, texas chainsaw massacre, mathilda may, siren, slasher,, death note, adam wingard, the woman in black, horror addicts guide to life, sandra harris, ron vitale, david watson, books, plague master: sanctuary dome, zombie dome, slicing bones, kindle buys, morbid meals, dan shaurette, london mess, fox uk, canniburgers, the walking dead recipe, nightmare fuel, japanese fable, slit mouth woman, surgical mask, particle son, revelation, portland band, dawn wood, stephen king, clive barker, grant me serenity, jesse orr, black jack, the country road cover up, the sacred, crystal connor, dracula dead and loving it, kbatz, kristin battestella, c.a.milson, the walking dead, dead mail, candace questions, colette, bees, david, bugs, the watcher in the woods, pembroke, jaws, gremlins, craig, devil, sparkylee, the thing, dogs, kristin, alien, robert, magic, daltha, clowns, pennywise, jaq, creature from the black lagoon, jody, night of the living dead, world book day, interview with a vampire, michael, haunting of hill house, kbatz, frankenstein, dracula, anne rice, jane eyre, sumiko, the stand, lillian,  jim butcher, changes, a.d., exorcist, mimielle, firestarter, bad moon rising, jonathan mayberry, edgar, alabama, alien from la, kathy ireland, ask marc, marc vale, mike, pittsburgh, driver’s test, what would norman bates do?, mother, voices, psycho, h.e. roulo, heather roulo.


Horror Addicts Guide to Life now available on Amazon! blog Kindle syndicated



Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

s t a f f

David Watson, Dan Shaurette, Marc Vale, KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Mimielle, Dawn Wood, Lillian Csernica, Killion Slade, D.J. Pitsiladis, Jesse Orr.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email

b l o g  / c o n t a c t / s h o w . n o t e s 113, Mark Slade


Horror Addicts Episode# 113

Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich

Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe

mark slade | anguisette | the witches

Find all articles and interviews at:

187 days till halloween

podioracket, rhonda carpenter, heather roulo, chopper chicks in zombietown, horror addict, ari, the walking dead, helix, werewolves, lycan, something from behind?, frozen, vampire squid, vampire enthusiasts, operation mummy’s curse, sarcophagus, scoobydoo, cinderella, the dungeon, san francisco, alcatraz, ghost, books, mike robinson, the prince of earth, david, laugh to death, charie d. la marr, bizarre fantasy, mark slade, horror addicts facebook group, mimielle, unique fashion, morbid meals, dan shaurette, minuit sandwich, cubano, monte cristo, free fiction friday, debbie manber kupfer, nightmare fuel, dj, the poltergeist, dawn, anguisette, insomnia, best band poll, black jack, kbatz, the witches, angelica houston, dead mail, sharon, zombie book, thomas, afraid of the dark, strange sightings, childhood scares, candace, first monsters, monkey, ask marc, prom, carny prom, mark slade

Horror Addicts Guide to Life now available on Amazon!


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

s t a f f

David Watson, Dan Shaurette, Marc Vale, KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Mimielle, Dawn Wood, Lillian Csernica, Killion Slade, D.J. Pitsiladis, Jesse Orr.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email

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Mimielle on Fashion: When We go Out, People Gonna Shout?

Mimielle at the Museum

Mimi on the loose!

Hello Addicts! Here is a topic your fashionably frightful fellow Addict, Mimielle has been mulling over:

When you go out dressed unusually, do you get comments about it? I’d love to hear your experiences with this because when discussing fashion, it’s often one of the more common reasons people give me for being a little hesitant to fully realize their fashion sense, the reactions or fear of the reactions making them uncomfortable. And not just teens or twenty-somethings. It’s unfortunately a fact that many people of every age feel unable to wear the fashions they’d like to in public for fear of reactions.

Gold-Brown-Floral-divider 1

Mimielle haunted New Orleans

Since obviously, I roam the streets dressed like this…

I currently live in a smaller metropolitan area in a southern state so in hopes of encouraging you to be brave and deal gracefully on your own terms with people who are rude enough to publicly and sometimes even confrontationally question your fashion, I’ll share the 2 most common reactions I get wearing Gothic Lolita fairly regularly and my thoughts about them. I leave kid’s reactions out because mostly they are great, either asking me something completely outlandish like “Are you Lady Gaga?” or whispering to their parent “Wow look, a princess!” Plus you can’t actually punch a kid, not that I’m suggesting it or anything – where is your sense of the ridiculous?

  1. People wanting to take my picture. Oddly, this doesn’t bother me if they just stealthily take a snap or 3 but when they come up to me, it makes me self-conscious at times. Like when I am in Walmart on a Tuesday morning, holding a package of bacon. True story, Morning Glory. I totally expect to end up on People of Walmart one of these days but I’m still not sure if I’d leave the photo up or ask them to remove it. There are a couple of people already posted on there that have Lolita-related outfits, dating back 4 years or so but they aren’t very good representations of the fashion. There is one nicely dressed Texas Lolita posted there with a Little Miss Muffet caption, she actually got several nice comments though and left her photo up so obviously opinions vary!
  2. People wanting to have my fashion ‘explained’ to them. I can usually spot these people before they come up to me and they are the worst. Let me preface this by saying that even in the Lolita community, I am not the person who loves to explain or define anything and will most often defer to the nearest other handy Lolita or online, point people to the nearest decent resource. There are so many people who DO enjoy teaching about and talking about the fashion and do a really good job of it that aside from here with you darling ghoulies and goblins on Horror Addicts, I don’t really talk much about my fashion – much less divulge any secrets! That’s how you know I love you!! So anyway, these women who come up to me (and 99% are women, very few men will talk to me at all)…Most often, they are women over 25 or so, and I can often tell that they already do not LIKE what I am wearing, and can also divine by their scowl or stinkface that this is the most ‘polite’ way they can justify sort of demanding an accounting for why a grown woman is wearing dark frilly dresses with Gothic jewelry and such ‘interesting’ shoes in the daylight on Tuesday at THEIR Hobby Lobby. It would be comical (and often is afterwards) if they weren’t so serious about it. Or if they actually listened to my reply instead of having their word filter on High trying to pick out something deviant or weird in my explanation to justify their pre-judgement of disapproval. If they are with their daughter, it is also a little embarrassing to watch HER embarrassment as her mother is rude and judgmental to another woman who just smiles in return.Hamsa, avoid the evil eye

Yes, both situations make me uncomfortable, obviously the latter more than the former since it gets me so wound up! I can carry a phone and pretend to talk on it because people will grudgingly walk past, still staring, but refrain from actually disturbing me and I also usually have the advantage of a very grouchy looking fiancé nearby to run interference if I give him ‘the look’ (which often looks like ‘deer caught in the headlights’).

I got curious and searched ‘Goth’ on People of Walmart and turned up 14 results. Frankly, I expected more but you’ll have to go and see for yourself what I found because descriptive words escape me to define just what I saw. After that, I was afraid to search “fashion”.

Gold-Brown-Floral-divider 1

If you were photographed and posted on People of Walmart or on a similar site, would you leave the photo up or ask them to remove it? We want to know! Please vote in the poll and don’t be shy to elaborate in the comments if you have some thoughts on this, I’d really love to read them.

Mimielle sig, orange


Gold-Brown-Floral-divider 1 112, Horror Addicts Guide to Life

ha-tagHorror Addicts Episode# 112

Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich

Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe

writer’s workshop winner | lacuna coil | frankenstein: the true story

Find all articles and interviews at:


201 days till halloween

malcolm stewart, jesse orr, kathy bates, misery, stephen king, american horror story, hotel,  addict on the street, the walking dead, talking dead, salem, izombie, dan shaurette, lady gaga, poltergeist, jurassic world, mad max, fury road, unfriended, kbatz, kristin battestella, frankenstein: the true story, horror addicts guide to life, baycon, once upon a scream, laurel anne hill, j malcolm stewart, sumiko saulson, heather roulo, david watson, the undying, ethan reid, zombie, plague, top five, mimielle, makeup, vids, dj pitsiladis, nightmare fuel, werewolves, wisconsin, morbid meals, dan shaurette, berry fool, april fools, free fiction friday, emerian rich, dark soul, dawn wood, music corner, lacuna coil, swamped, jesse orr, grant me serenity, black jack, dead mail, nadine, writing, james, how to get on the show, sandra, zombie movies, scared of the dark, marc vale, advice, horror writer, inspiration, murderer, victim, jesse orr, genesis



FinalFrontCoverHorror Addicts Guide to Life now available on Amazon!


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

s t a f f

David Watson, Dan Shaurette, Marc Vale, KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Mimielle, Dawn Wood, Lillian Csernica, Killion Slade, D.J. Pitsiladis, Jesse Orr.

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Horror Addicts Guide to Life – Available now!

FinalFrontCoverHorror Addicts Guide to Life

Available now! 

Cover art by: Masloski Carmen

Editor: David Watson

Do you love the horror genre? Do you look at horror as a lifestyle? Do the “norms” not understand your love of the macabre?

Despair no longer, my friend, for within your grasp is a book written by those who look at horror as a way of life, just like you. This is your guide to living a horrifying existence. Featuring interviews with Midnight Syndicate, Valentine Wolfe, and The Gothic Tea Society.

Authors: Kristin Battestella, Mimielle, Emerian Rich, Dan Shaurette, Steven Rose Jr., Garth von Buchholz, H.E. Roulo, Sparky Lee Anderson, Mary Abshire, Chantal Boudreau, Jeff Carlson, Catt Dahman, Dean Farnell, Sandra Harris, Willo Hausman, Laurel Anne Hill, Sapphire Neal, James Newman, Loren Rhoads, Chris Ringler, Jessica Robinson, Eden Royce, Sumiko Saulson, Patricia Santos Marcantonio, J. Malcolm Stewart, Stoneslide Corrective, Mimi A.Williams, and Ron Vitale. With art by Carmen Masloski and Lnoir. 111, Horror Addicts Guide to Life

Horror Addicts Episode# 111

Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich

Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe


horror addicts guide to life | xy beautiful | the twilight zone

Find all articles and interviews at:


216 days till halloween

valentine wolfe, catch up, new staff, lillian, don, jesse, other contributors, crystal connor, killion slade, voodoo lynn, what are you watching, dead filed, z nation,, artistic license, zombie cruise, wicked women writers challenge, master of macabre contest, tarot, books, somnalia, sumiko saulson, horror addicts guide to cats, david watson, it came from the library, dean farnell, kings of horror, touched by death, forbidden fiction, voodoo lynn, nightbreed, phillip tomasso2, madness, mimielle, stephen king, the golden notebook, emilie autumn, morbid meals, dan shaurette, carne adovada, serpentine delights, lillian csernica, nightmare fuel, d.j. pitsiladis, rawhead, old betty, xy beautiful, dawn wood, jesse orr, black jack, dead mail, advice from marc, marc vale, kbatz, twilight zone, horror tv shows, the munsters, twilight zone, alfred hitchcock, horror addicts guide to life, david watson, killion slade, j. malcolm stewart, ron vitale, h.e. roulo, james newman, eden royce, chris ringler, sumiko saulson


Horror Addicts Guide to Life

Horror Addicts Guide to LifeDo you love the horror genre? Do you look at horror as a lifestyle?

Do the “norms” not understand your love of the macabre?


Despair no longer, my friend, for within your grasp is a book written

by those who look at horror as a way of life, just like you. This is

your guide to living a horrifying existence. Featuring interviews with

Midnight Syndicate, Valentine Wolfe, and The Gothic Tea Society.


Authors: Kristin Battestella, Mimielle, Emerian Rich, Dan Shaurette,

Steven Rose Jr., Garth von Buchholz, H.E. Roulo, Sparky Lee

Anderson, Mary Abshire, Chantal Boudreau, Jeff Carlson, Catt

Dahman, Dean Farnell, Sandra Harris, Willo Hausman, Laurel

Anne Hill, Sapphire Neal, James Newman, Loren Rhoads, Chris

Ringler, Jessica Robinson, Eden Royce, Sumiko Saulson, Patricia

Santos Marcantonio, J. Malcolm Stewart, Stoneslide Corrective, Mimi

A.Williams, and Ron Vitale. With art by Carmen Masloski and Lnoir.




Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

s t a f f

David Watson, Dan Shaurette, Marc Vale, KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Mimielle, Dawn Wood, Lillian Csernica, Killion Slade, D.J. Pitsiladis, Jesse Orr.

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email

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Mimielle’s Musings: 10 Delightful Madwomen You Really Should Get to Know

Today if you Google “women…insanity”, you will mostly get hits for an exercise program that some people advocate with the dubious boast of it of making them vomit.  Instead, I will sit here with my nice cup of milky tea, curled up in my comfy chair and take you on a little tour of The Ophelia Gallery and reveal to you another view and definition in the form of a little list for your future reading pleasure…

Gold-Brown-Floral-divider 1


Gold-Brown-Floral-divider 1


1. Emilie Autumn, present, not a character, mental health advocate, she is bipolar, a talented musician and addresses ‘madness’ through her music, stage shows and also through her semi-autobiographical writing, most notable to date is her hefty illustrated tome ‘The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls’ soon to be a self-narrated audio-book.

2. Cathy Earnshaw

(fictional character, Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte, 1847)

3. Bertha Rochester

(fictional character, Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte,  1847 )

4. Emma Bovary

(fictional character, Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert, 1857)


5. Anne Catherick

(fictional character but based on a true story, The Woman in White, Wilkie Collins, 1860)

6. Rebecca

(fictional character, Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier 1938)

7. Anna Wulf

(fictional character The Golden Notebook, Doris Lessing, 1962)

8. Esther Greenwood

(semi-autobiographical character, The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath, 1963)

9. Annie Wilkes

(fictional character, Misery, Stephen King, 1987)


Gold-Brown-Floral-divider 1
Notes & Quotes:

“If a man wanted to get rid of his wife, he would simply get two doctors to certify her and lock her up,” says John Sutherland, Emeritus professor of English Literature at University College London. “It’s what Dickens himself did when his wife kicked up a fuss at his affair.”

Many of these have been made into films but there is nothing quite like letting the madness creep in at 3 am when the world is full of shadows, the silence is all around and you and your mind are all alone together, the only ones awake.

In closing…”Mimi, why only nine, why not 10?”
“Why…does it…bother you?” 🙂

OK then, go read about Ophelia in Hamlet, she will be our #10.

Gold-Brown-Floral-divider 1

ophelia millais

Gold-Brown-Floral-divider 1

Mad Music Scream-Along for the Day: Emilie Autumn, “Opheliac”

Gold-Brown-Floral-divider 1

Stay Beautiful, Addicts! ~Mimielle~

Mimielle says “March is the Month for Madness!”

No, no, no, not THAT March Madness!


Madness, insanity, craziness (the bad kind) is still very much a taboo in polite society.  We haven’t <quite> medicated it completely away yet, so it is something still misunderstood and feared in the real world, fair game to be used as one of the seeds of fear that are often at the heart of a good creepy story, a haunting piece of music or hidden in the brushstrokes waiting for an artist’s vision to set it free.


The Scream by Edvard Munch, 1893, National Gallery, Oslo, Norway


BUT…When we think about madness in a blog by Horror fans to amuse OTHER Horror fans, maybe the current sober and modern terms just simply do not apply.
We are in it for the thrills after all…right? RIGHT!! So give your political correctness a lovely sleeping pill and come revel and indulge with us in a little playful MADNESS this month!

SO…What first comes to mind?

Mad Scientists lurking in their labs, creating creatures or even maybe transforming themselves?
Mad Tea Parties with magical creatures?
Mad killers afoot under the Spring Moon?
Madwomen locked up and lurking in the attic?
Mad Girls escaping from Asylums?
Mad dogs slavering under the porch?


Forbidden food and drink are said to induce madnesses of several varieties…


…and also exposing oneself to the light of the moon.


All of these and more will be fair game this month, from sneak-peeks at films to favorite characters listed and accounted for, and of course always the stories rounded up to be told and re-told in hushed tones by candlelight…
After all, who doesn’t fear madness at least a little…and what we fear, we imagine, and whisper about, even if just in our minds. For those afflicted with the Writing Plague, Madness seems to often conveniently be just around the corner in many instances of  horror literature and film screenplays.


I’ll be lurking in the wings to flit out and taunt you with a few terrifying tidbits I’ve gathered up to titillate you as we wind up to begin our pod-casting season, so stick around and go beautifully MAD with us this month! We’ll have such fun!

Stay Beautiful, Addicts!





10 Halloween Costume and Makeup Cheats

1. Black eyeliner as black lipstick, outline with a sharpened point, then fill in.

2. Thin pieces of torn toilet paper/facial tissue and eyeliner glue applied in layers to make scars or burns or other FX instead of using liquid latex, spirit gum or liquid collodian if allergic, too expensive, etc. Especially good for kids because it removes easily with regular eye makeup remover before bedtime after trick-or-treating.

3. Newspaper stuffed bustles. Stuff newspaper or tissue paper into Walmart bags, secure under bustle poufs and get ready for a rustle in that bustle.

4. Glue a bag of $1 spider rings (cut off ring part first) all over a thrift store white nightgown draped with bagged spiderweb, rub dark eyeliner under eyes and a bit on lips, instant creepy lady costume.

5. Use Baby Powder to set the lightest cheap cream drugstore foundation, it will pale it out quite a bit.

6. Cut and shape craft feathers to use in place of expensive exotic large false eyelashes.

7. Craft glitter manicure : Paint nails with desired color, let dry. Then paint with clear, dip in craft glitter, let dry, repeat, then seal with more clear. (NOTE: do not use craft glitter near eyes for any reason.)

8. Steal, erm I mean borrow your friend’s fast food uniform and be that for Halloween.

9. Paint your face with a Dia de los Muertos design and borrow or thrift an old wedding dress and veil

10. Wear a thrifted or borrowed black suit and tie, wear a full-head white stocking cap and white gloves and go as Slenderman. 097, Lucy Blue, Frank H. Woodward, Dr. Rotz

Finale8PosterHorror Addicts Episode# 097

Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich

With Guests: Camellia Rains and Ari DaWintre

Intro Music by: Cancer Killing Gemini


10 days till Halloween!

lucy blue, frank h. woodward, dr. rotz, versailles, translyvania 6-5000

halloween traditions, type-o negative, bloody kisses, translyvania 6-5000, jay hartlove, the chosen, the wickeds, horrible disasters, dr. rotz interview, vampire nurse candy, midnight syndicate, mimielle, goth fashion, zombie george washington, wheelman press, brian herbert, the chef’s table, best band season 8 poll, versailles, free fiction friday, bite club, hal bodner, david books, charla, alexander beresford, frank h. woodward interview, black magic, kbatz, atlantic city zombie walk, most wicked announced, wicked women writers, winner, rick kitagawa, writer’s workshop, events, dead mail, haunted place to go, lucy blue interview

Goodbye, my darklings, until next year. Please be safe and stay spooky!

Find all articles and interviews at:

Don’t miss the vampire anthology:

The Vampire Writers Support Group proudly presents FRESH BLOOD, an eclectic collection of short stories set in a dark, bloodsoaked world full of vampires.


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

s t a f f

Sapphire Neal, David Watson, Dan Shaurette, Marc Vale, KBatz, Mimielle

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m u s i c

The Mortal Instruments City of Bones Merch and More

Here’s a bit of news and a Hot Topic sneak-peek on the movie tie-in merchandise for The Mortal Instruments City of Bones film release. The release date on the clothing line and other items (poster, notebooks, temporary tattoos of RUNES, etc.) has been iffy and is currently set for mid-July, but I WILL keep you posted. Some very cool pieces, I’m seeing in the concept sketches here…
tmi-hot-topicPhoto Credit: Better In Black

Also 2 makeup looks are featured in the Nyx Cosmetics Parallel Worlds Box based on the film. I know the lovely Emz is a big fan(g) of NYX Cosmetics so I’ve procured my very own box Addicts, but…
I’m such a tease. You’ll have to tell me if you want some swatches and a look…

Buy now at
From Ulta’s press release: The NYX Parallel Worlds Box is Dark, Mysterious, and Dangerous. Venture into this new collection inspired by The Mortal Instruments. Includes a 6 color smokey palette, the perfect pink blush, a neutral pink matte lip cream, black liquid liner, a vibrant jumbo eye pencil, and volumizing mascara. Everything you need to create an innocent day look inspired by Clary or a sultry night look inspired by Isabel.

The good thing about ALL the products is that they are from NYX’s regular line in case you just want to pick up a piece or 2. And finally a link to enter the NYX Cosmetics The Mortal Instruments Sweepstakes

The Mortal Instruments City of Bones will premiere in the US on August 21, and other international dates may be found here.

You can catch up with Mimi on her Facebook page

Summer Goth Fashion Basics (No Pixies Allowed!)

Summer is hot but that’s no reason to abandon a Haute Goth look and our beloved black. Better still, summer sales are in session so I’ve gone a-hunting for you…

The secret is to mix and match according to the temperature and occasion. Collect some new key pieces from my 31 handpicked ShopSense favorites, since I’m guessing you may already have some similar goodies in your closet. I’ve chosen things that will take you from the gym to a fancy date-night, key pieces that can be dressed up or down.

Go hunting locally and thrift some black jeans to distress (cheese grater and bleach spray, anyone?) and cut them to fraying bits! Grab your favorite Dr. Martens. I’m going to try and snag the Victorian Flowers for Moi-self, don’t you know!

Stay tuned to the next HorrorAddicts Podcast for tips to accessorize these time-tested basics.